7th July 2002
The bidding for our prayers is "Lord have mercy upon us" and the response- "Christ have mercy upon us"
Almighty and everlasting God, creator of this our universe with its breathtaking splendour and its ability to constantly surprise and amaze us; hear us as we humbly come before you to seek your help and guidance in our ordinary lives. We come to you in simple trust and, as Jesus taught us, in the certain knowledge that you are our heavenly father and will listen to the prayers of us, your children.
Lord have mercy
upon us
Christ have mercy upon us
Lord have mercy upon us
We continue to pray for peace in our world.
Lord Jesus, Prince of Peace, we know that you are in the hearts and minds of many people who work tirelessly for peace in a world that often seems to know only war and conflict as a means of resolving differences. Bless and encourage those that have had their eyes opened to the power of forgiveness or have been instrumental in ending age-old bitterness by resisting calls for reprisals after acts of terror or have chosen to bridge a chasm of mistrust by entering into dialogue.
We pray especially for areas of open hostility and conflict from Northern Ireland on our doorstep to the Middle East, from Bosnia to Afghanistan; and so many more not deemed worthy of Western media attention. We remember the aid agencies, medical staff and all those who have to cope with the human tragedy in the wake of military bravado.
Lord have mercy
upon us
Christ have mercy upon us
Lord have mercy upon us
We pray for our own country with its cultural and ethnic diversity, for the Queen, as head of state, her ministers and all in authority, that they will govern wisely and with due regard for the needs of all people.
We pray for those concerned about the great issues of the day, on Health, Education, Employment and the Economy. Whilst such issues have to be faced you reminded us that those things which are eternal should have priority in our lives. And so we pray for all leaders who inspire us, for teachers that give of themselves and for all who ask what they can do in the service of others.
Help us remember, as Jesus taught, the action of one small boy who gave his lunch that many could be fed.
Lord have mercy
upon us
Christ have mercy upon us
Lord have mercy upon us
We pray for all families as they face the normal ups and downs of family life with the constant external pressures and distractions found in modern society.
We pray for families coping with illness, poverty, racial hatred or tragedy. And we remember the families in Russia who have lost sons and daughters in the recent plane crash above Germany.
Lord have mercy
upon us
Christ have mercy upon us
Lord have mercy upon us
We think now of our Church here at St. Mark's and our sister church in the partnership at Putnoe Heights. We thank you Father for the different groups that meet here each day and for the opportunities thus presented to witness for your kingdom. Guide and support our ministers, leadership team and all who lead, organize and contribute to it's vision of service and witness.
We pray for the Anglican and Methodist churches at a national level as moves towards a covenant are made. We give thanks for, especially, for the recent support and recommendation given at the annual Methodist Conference last week. We pray for all churches who are working together to promote understanding among their own congregations and thereby becoming more effective in the community in spreading the good news of Jesus.
Lord have mercy
upon us
Christ have mercy upon us
Lord have mercy upon us
We pray for the sick, both at home and in hospital, or hospice. We think of the elderly, the housebound and those in care homes. And we pray for all who minister to their needs. Lord Jesus who responded to the needs of all those who had faith; comfort and sustain those who are in need of your grace at this time. As we share a moment of silence together, we bring before you those known only to us and name them in our hearts.
Lord have mercy
upon us
Christ have mercy upon us
Lord have mercy upon us
Especially do we pray for those who mourn the loss of loved ones, whether recent or long ago. Let the knowledge of your resurrection in glory be comfort to all those who mourn.
Jesus Christ is the Light of the
a light which no darkness can quench.
We remember before God those who have died and light a candle to symbolise the light of Christ which eternally shines and brings hope. We remember today William ...
You turn our darkness into light, |
Lord have mercy
upon us
Christ have mercy upon us
Lord have mercy upon us
A final prayer for ourselves: - As we remember the Gospel reading, help us through prayer and fellowship to know both Father and Son, and that in that knowledge we indeed find rest for our souls and a lifting of our many burdens.
Merciful Father, accept these prayers for the sake of your Son, our Saviour Jesus Christ. Amen.
Gathering our prayers and praises into one, let us pray with confidence as our Saviour has taught us.
Our Father in heaven,
hallowed be your name,
Your kingdom come,
your will be done,
On earth as in heaven.
Give us today our daily bread.
Forgive us our sins
as we forgive those who sin against us.
Lead us not into temptation,
but deliver us from evil.
For the kingdom, the power and the glory are yours
Now and for ever.
Readings and Notes for 7th July 2002.