Church Prayers and Intercessions for Transfiguration
Almighty and loving God, you loved this world so much that you gave your only Son, Jesus to be our Saviour. He emptied himself of glory and became your suffering servant, living a human life, despised and rejected and tortured to death on a cross. Yet you exalted him above all things and he is our Lord, and we have known his presence with us. Today we give thanks for your glory shown on the mountain of Transfiguration where you pulled back the veil of heaven and Jesus was revealed in majesty. You call upon each one of us to listen to him and so we open our hearts to your Word and ask you by your Spirit to lead us in your ways and give us strength to follow you. Show to us how our lives may be transfigured by your presence, that the radiance of Jesus would shine through to the dark places of our world.
Lord in your mercy - Hear our prayer
Today we pray that we would be transfigured to be your presence in the world. Help us to live in ways which show by our deeds the words of Jesus, who was friend of the of the outcast and the poor. May we be moved to think of ways of helping the vulnerable, to bring the compassion of Jesus to those who suffer, to bind up the lonely and the brokenhearted. In these ways may we experience your presence with us in the common tasks of life.
Lord in your mercy - Hear our prayer
We pray for the nations of the world and those who govern, and we ask that our world leaders would seek justice, mercy and peace. We pray for Elizabeth our Queen and those who govern nationally and locally, that our land may be led in ways of righteousness and respect for all people. Amen
As we prepare this week for the coming of our Lenten journey may we be attentive the voice of Jesus guiding us along a holy way. Heavenly Father reassure each on of us of your promises of resurrection life and receive with your transforming love all those who have died and whom we entrust to your transforming love. May the brightness of the risen life of our Lord Jesus Christ guide each one of us to your eternal safe keeping.
Lord in your mercy - Hear our prayer
Merciful Father:
accept these prayers for the sake of your Son,
our Saviour, Jesus Christ. Amen