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notre dame montreal

Christian worship, sermons, prayer and Bible study 

Prayers for Epiphany 3

By Mr John Stubbs

As we share a common faith and hope, let us pray trustingly together to the God who made us and sustains us.

Loving God, we come to the end of the special week during which we remember the divisions in your church, and pray with Jesus that we may all be one, united in love of you and in service to your world. We pray for our fellow Christians throughout your world, thinking particularly of all those for whom worshipping will lead them into dangers and difficulty. Be near them and give them courage and strength in their witness. Make them aware at all times that you are with them.

We rejoice in all who answer to your call and we pray for each other asking that we may be true to the Gospel . We ask you to uphold all our ministers and leaders as they guide us in your way.
Lord in your mercy, Hear our prayer,

This week has marked the arrival of a new President of the United States and with his coming an upsurge of hope for peace in the world. We pray for him and for all who will work with him. We pray for the leaders of the countries of the world. Help them so that together they may pursue the search for peace. Above all we pray for those parts of this world where life is a continual struggle and where peace is too often a dream drowned under a sea of sectarian violence.
Bring peace to Israel and Palestine, to Sri Lanka, and to the many strife torn countries of Africa. Help us to be peacemakers in our neighbourhoods, with those we meet.
Lord in your mercy. Hear our prayer

This world is a place of richness and delight for many but not for all. Greed and minimal concern for your wonderful creation has brought about prosperity for some and poverty for others. Help us never to forget that we are guardians of the many treasures which we possess. We hold them in trust for you and for our children and children’s children. Help us once again to commit ourselves to carrying out those responsibilities faithfully and well. As the Psalmist says you have put all things under our feet.
Lord in your mercy ,Hear our prayer

We bring before you in the quietness of our minds those people for whom we have especial concern. In the silence let us list the – the sick and the sorrowing – the lonely and the oppressed – those who mourn or struggle for meaning in their lives – all for whom today will be marked by difficulty beyond their powers to cope. Help them to find their rest and support in you, and may you give strength and courage to those who are carers.
Lord in your mercy, Hear our prayer

We pray today for the families of who have come to the end of their lives and who now live in the full light of Jesus. We light the candle in his name reminding ourselves that He is the light of the world which eternally shines and brings hope to all who turn to him , In your light shall we see light and may we all come to your eternal transforming joy
Father, trusting in your mercy, we lay these prayers before you, through Jesus Christ our Lord. AMEN

Lord’s Prayer.

Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name.
Thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses
as we forgive those who trespass against us.
And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil,
for thine is the kingdom, the power and the glory,
For ever and ever. Amen