Church Prayers and Intercessions
Prayers on Sunday before Lent
7 February 2016
Lord Jesus today we reflect upon the occasion in which you revealed yourself in your glory to your disciples on the Mount of Transfiguration. We remember the appearance of Moses and Elijah who had come before you as God’s messengers and we recall the voice of God which told us that Jesus was your Son and now we must listen to him. Jesus shared with Moses and Elijah about followers of his calling to be obedient to death on the cross his ‘exodus’ by which through his death he would lead us into life.
Help us to always see our pattern of life to be laid out before us in the life and teachings of Jesus. May we seek always to be faithful disciples willing to allow you by your Holy Spirit to make us the people that you would have us to be.
Lord Jesus we see you in your glory, and we remember that you gave up all for us, exchanging a crown for a cradle that you might share our humanity. May we never be proud or unwilling to humble ourselves in whatever duty you would have us to do. Forgive us our unwillingness to go to the places where you have gone before us, alongside those who suffer, sharing the path of the displaced and the unwanted.
Help us to care with that divine love which is willing to give up self interest and be used by you in transforming people and places.
We remember that often your disciples were afraid when confronted by the things which you placed before them. At these times you touched them and encouraged them to trust in you and to know your peace which casts out fear. Hear us as we bring before you the things which trouble us. We pray for those situations where our sinfulness brings about preventable disease, war, hunger and homelessness. Hear our prayers for those for whom we pray and by your great mercy touch them with your love.