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notre dame montreal

Prayers for Sunday 10 February 2013 Margaret Appleton

The bidding today is LORD IN YOUR MERCY and the response is HEAR OUR PRAYER.

Let us pray for the Church and the world and thank God for his goodness.

Loving Father, we pray today for your church, carrying the Gospel of freedom and forgiveness which is so much needed in our world today. We ask that you will bless your church that it may reflect your glory and guide your people in ways of love and peace so that the gospel is not veiled from sight but is revealed in actions and witness.

We thank you for those who labour to spread the good news of your kingdom – for all ministers, preachers and leaders remembering especially those who work in areas where they face threatening behaviour, imprisonment or persecution and or those tempted to remain silent to protect their families.


This morning we pray for Justin Welby, the new Archbishop of Canterbury as he begins his service to the church and for the high expectations of his leadership. May his words and actions always be true to your Gospel and reveal to all the face of the Lord Jesus. May his leadership be an inspiration to us all.

We ask for your blessing on our church here and at Putnoe Heights and we give you thanks for the ministry of Charlie, Sam and Jane and we ask that in their busy schedules they find the time to reflect and pray and to feel the blessings of your love.
Grant to each one of us the courage and willingness to be your witnesses in ways that are generous and respectful and which come from the overflow of our love and delight in you. Fill us all with your love that people may truly see and believe.



Loving Father, we pray for your world which has so often lost its way, with so much oppression, injustice and cruelty; its confusion of priorities; its lost opportunities and misdirected zeal. We pray for all countries where there is war, random violence or only a fragile peace. We ask for your blessings on our armed services as they play their part in trying to improve the lives of so many people.
Grant to all peacemakers an inner certainty of their calling and constant patience in their negotiations. May they be led by your spirit to make wise decisions and so help create a humane, caring and peaceful world. We pray for peace in your world, especially in the Middle East, Africa and Afghanistan and we remember those who have died in these wars and for all the wounded and injured, so often unseen, that they might find Christ in their suffering.
We pray for all those who inflict pain on others, for terrorists and murderers and all who are fired with hatred; that their lives may be transformed by encountering Christ.


We thank you Father, for all your gifts in creation; for the wonder of space, for the beauty of your world and for the value of the earth’s resources. We thank you for the everyday sights and sounds that we so often take for granted and help us never to lose the sense of wonder for all that you have given us.
We remember all those who do not experience the same joys that we are privileged to encounter. We pray for the malnourished and starving, those lacking clean water, those who live in areas of desolation and deprivation devoid of even the most basic of facilities.
May we all develop a real respect for your world and so use its fragile resources with care and without greed. Train our hearts to be thankful for what we have so that we live each day with a deep sense of gratitude and humility.


Loving Father we bring before you and thank you for our homes, our families and for all whom we love and care for and may we always be ready to show how much we respect and value them.
We pray especially for all homes represented here this morning with their particular joys and sorrows, needs and resources. May every home in this parish be enfolded in your love, brightened by your joy and calmed by your unbroken peace. As we are loved and cared for, help us to care for those in need.
As we have heard about ‘Friends for Life’ this morning so we pray for its work and its volunteers.



Loving Father we pray that you will bless those who are finding no joy or satisfaction in their lives, for those for whom life seems to have no meaning or purpose. We pray for the stressed and the distressed, the overworked, the over anxious, the unemployed and for those for whom the future is bleak both economically and socially, for those living in dangerous or violent surroundings and for those worried about what tomorrow might bring. May each one of them find your love and peace and real comfort in the knowledge that you truly care.

We pray for all those in any form of pain, suffering or distress; some perhaps in our own families, some in our church and some among our wider circle of friends. We know that you are both our Lord and our friend and we ask that you will touch with your generous love all those who are on our hearts today because of their special need and whom we remember on a moment of quiet………………..
We pray especially this morning for Polly and Kiriana as they recover from major surgery. May their recovery be speedy and complete.
May your love flood their lives with hope and healing, in body, mind and spirit.


Father, we pray for those who are mourning the loss of someone very dear to them and in their suffering may they find you there with them and so draw hope and courage from your presence. We commend to your loving arms those who have died, especially those whom we know but see no longer, for we know that in your care they are safe.
Jesus Christ is the light of the world, a light which no darkness can quench. We remember before God those who have died and light a candle to symbolise the light of Christ which eternally shines and brings hope.
This morning we remember…………………. And we give you thanks for life of Jennie Cooper, a dear friend to many, who will be sadly missed by members of both churches. We pray that all who have died in faith may rest in the light and joy of your presence forever.

Merciful father, accept these prayers for the sake of your Son, Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen

Let us conclude our prayers by saying together the prayer which Jesus taught us