Prayers for Sunday 10 February 2013 Sue Allen
Heavenly Father and Lord of all Life, we share with you now our love and concerns for the world, for the events throughout the world which have brought pain and distress, for our local community in which we live our daily lives and for ourselves, our families and friends. As we approach the period of Lent we are mindful of our need to reflect on the ultimate sacrifice of our Lord Jesus Christ, that he gave his life to save us all.
As we call to you from our hearts, help us to hear your call to us. Guide us, we pray, to do your will amongst those with whom we live and work. Let us be your hands and your instruments in the world as we seek to be a blessing to others.
Lord in your mercy, Hear our prayer.
We share our concerns for the Church. We give thanks for this church and for St. Mark’s and for all the richness and variety of worship and activities that take place each week. For our Circuit and Diocese and the staff who work tirelessly for our parent bodies. We bring before you the business of the Circuit meeting held this week and pray for our Superintendent, Andrew Hollins and the Circuit Leadership Team as they manage this large and complex circuit.
Lord in your mercy, Hear our prayer
We share our concerns for our community. Lord, we live in times of change and sometimes the pace of change seems too fast. Be with those who have responsibility in management of the Health Service, the Police Force, the Social Services. Guide and direct our politicians and all in local government.
We share our concerns for the wider world. Be with all who live in areas of conflict, remembering the unrest in Mali, Nigeria, Egypt and Afghanistan. We pray for all armed forces and peace keeping troops.
Lord in your mercy, Hear our prayer
We share our concerns for all who feel they are in a dark place today and who long for your light. For the sick in body or mind. Friends with us today have particular concerns for family members and we pray for them now. For those in fragile relationships, those who feel forgotten – in prison, on the streets, in long term care. May they know that each of them is unique and valuable and worthy of respect and dignity. Today we especially remember those who live in care homes and we bring before you the work of Friends for Life, bringing to a lonely person a shaft of light in the darkness.
Lord in your mercy, Hear our prayer
We share our concerns for the bereaved. Jesus Christ is the light of the world, a light which no darkness can quench. We remember before God those who have died and light a candle to symbolise the light of Christ, which eternally shines and brings hope.
We give thanks for the wonderful and long life of Jennie who has been a dear and caring friend and a Christian inspiration to so many of us here today and to many who have gone ahead to welcome her. We remember……………………..
………………………………... In your light shall we see light.
Merciful Father, accept these prayers………………..