Intercessions by Sue Allen
Advent Prayers
Lord, in this season of Advent, the children eagerly await each day to open
a new box on their Advent Calendar. It may contain a surprise, a chocolate,
a balloon, whatever it is, it will bring delight and excitement. Lord, help
us all to greet each new day with anticipation for the good things that day
will bring. Greetings from friends, a smile from a stranger, good news and
thoughts that inspire and invigorate us.
Help us, Lord, to find the chocolate that each day brings.
Lord in your mercy.....................................
Advent is a time of waiting. Waiting for the Christ child. Waiting can be
long, tedious, trying our patience. Waiting for a train, waiting for the
doctor, waiting for guests to arrive. Lord grant us patience when we are
waiting and make us ready for Christ to come into our lives.
Help us, Lord, to learn to wait.
Lord in your mercy............................................
Today in our Gift Service we are focussing on Giving. Giving money, giving
time, giving of ourselves in the service of others. Giving to the Church,
giving to good causes. We pray for all who work for charities, encouraging
people to give, and trying to influence political opinion because they
support a cause worth fighting for. We remember the global disasters of this
last year and the on-going relief work.
Help us, Lord, to freely give.
Lord in your mercy.....................................................
Lord keep us mindful that your church exists in a changing world. Help us to
reach out to offer help.We pray for all in any kind of need. For the
underprivileged parts of the world that they be helped by Trade Justice. For
the young growing up in a world where not everyone understands right from
wrong. For all who are sick. An ancient prayer tells us 'All shall be well
and all shall be well, and all manner of things shall be well.'. Let us be
challenged by that.
Help us, Lord, to be challenged and to take risks in your name.
Lord in your
We give thanks for all those we love but see no longer. Remembering
especially those who brought us to faith. Jesus Christ was born to be the
light of the world, a light which always overcomes the darkness. We remember
May the souls of the faithful departed rest in peace and, through the mercy
of God, rise again in glory.
your kingdom come, your will be done,
on earth as in heaven.
Give us today our daily bread.
Forgive us our sins
as we forgive those who sin against us.
Lead us not into temptation
but deliver us from evil.
For the kingdom, the power,
and the glory are yours
now and forever. Amen