By Mr Ian Farthing
Lord God our Heavenly Father we come before you today in
the greatness of your love and lift up our hearts in prayer and praise.
Help us to pray simply and sincerely, unselfishly and gratefully,
remembering the needs of others as well as our own, and giving thanks
always for everything in your name.
Lord we pray today for you church and for Christians in other lands
where they are a minority let them find strength in knowing you are with
where they are persecuted let them find courage to continue in faithful
service, knowing that you will never leave them;
where they are young in the faith let your Holy Spirit build them up in
the knowledge of your love;
where they are affluent and accepted keep them constant in service to
We pray for our church here at St Marks and at Putnoe Heights, for our
ministers Charlie and Sam and we ask for your blessing to rest upon all
who serve this Church. We are grateful for its worship and fellowship;
for the care and teaching of children and young people; for its nurture
and love
Help us to see the kind of church you need today and may we not lose
sight of the many and varied needs of this neighbourhood.
Lord in your Mercy
Lord we pray for the leaders of all nations who carry a heavy burden of
responsibility and we pray that all who offer their services in the
leadership of the affairs of the world may have the wisdom and courage
to uphold what is right for peace and for the survival of mankind.
We pray particularly at this time for peace in all countries of the
world where violence. war and terrorism are taking place and we pray
especially for those who seek to make peace in this divided world.
Lord, take from us all those fears that burden us and bring life to a
standstill. Purify the minds and attitudes of those involved in bringing
violence and terrorism to the world.
May we be alive to your vision for the world, without which society
loses its direction and ignores your deep desire for us to live in peace
and love for one another.
Lord in your mercy
Lord we bring to you our thanks and praise for the
beauty of creation, and we pray that you would open our eyes to see all
the beauty around us.
As the seasons change as Winter starts to give way to Spring help us to
appreciate your greatness in giving us the different seasons, each one
fulfilling our needs.
Help us to your safeguard your world so that our children and future
generations will benefit from the natural beauty which you have created.
Lord in your mercy
Let us pray for those who are ill or in need of God's
help at this time:
We pray for the sick, both at home and in hospital or hospice and of
those awaiting consultations and treatments.
We think of the elderly, the housebound and those in care homes.
And we pray for all those who minister to their needs, both from within
the family and from the professional and voluntary services.
Let their care be as a continuation of that shown by Jesus who responded
to the needs of all those who had faith.
Comfort and sustain those who are in need of your grace at this time and
as we share a moment of silence together, we bring before you those
known only to ourselves as we name them in our hearts and commit them to
your loving care.
Lord in your mercy
We pray for those whose hearts have been saddened by the
death of someone close and dear to them.
Give to them the strong comfort which no one else can give, and let them
know the comforting power of the resurrection of Jesus.
Today we especially pray for those who have lost loved ones in the
forest fires in Australia and the air crash in Buffalo.
Jesus Christ is the Light of the World, a light which no darkness can
quench. We remember before God those who have died and light a candle to
symbolise the light of Christ, which eternally shines and brings hope.
Today we remember
Stan Lowndes
Billy Wallace
You turn our darkness into light in your light shall we see light.
Lord in your mercy
Lord as we go out from church today, we give you thanks for our happy
days, but you know the fears and anxieties that sometimes fill our
hearts at what each day will bring.
Free us from panic and worry. Anchor our thoughts and minds in your
great power and love and send us into each new day with your peace in
our hearts and the sure confidence of your fatherly care.
Merciful Father, accept these prayers for the sake of your Son, our
Saviour, Jesus Christ. Amen
We will now say together,
Merciful Father, accept these prayers for the sake of your Son, our
Saviour, Jesus Christ.
We say together the prayer that Jesus taught us.
Our Father…….
Lord’s Prayer.
Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name.
Thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses
as we forgive those who trespass against us.
And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil,
for thine is the kingdom, the power and the glory,
For ever and ever. Amen