Prayers for Remembrance Sunday
Prayers by Mr Chris Izzard
Almighty Creator and all powerful God, on this Remembrance Sunday, we come before the throne of grace; with mixed emotions stirred by the symbols, words and music of this service, rekindling so many memories, awakening dreams of what might have been and the unanswered question why?
All this prompts our prayers, concerns and petitions this morning. Presented not just from our lips, but from the depth of our hearts, in the falling of tears, the breathing of sighs, and the inner feelings that only you know and understand. So however conveyed;
Lord in your mercy…..hear our prayer.
Foremost today we honour the memory and think of all those who have died in the wars of the last century, the armed conflicts of the past few years, and most recent days; those whose lives have been sacrificed in the pursuit of lawful order and peaceful co existence, the service and protection of others. Loved ones and those known to us, whose names we whisper now ….. and then the countless men and women unknown to us, but known and loved by you.
Lord in your mercy.....hear our prayer.
And this leads us to pray for all the Armed forces, involved in many situations around the world, for those exposed to danger and for all those at home and overseas who support and care for them. We pray for those who anxiously wait at home and for families who have recently lost those they love. We pray for those who have been crippled physically and mentally and all the innocent victims who continue to suffer every day, in so many ways. We think of prisoners and ill treated captives.
Lord in your mercy....hear our prayer.
God of all, in your time and wisdom embrace those we see as our enemies and those who would do us harm, turn their misguided minds and hardened hearts to the ways of peaceful co- existence.
So we pray that you will hasten the time when wholeness and healing and peace will come to all peoples. Give wisdom and tolerance to all leaders of nations that they may be a renewed force for good. Inspire those who defend your truth that injustice and wrong may be vanquished. Bless and prosper the work of all who seek to serve and help in the places of the world where there is great need, depravation and suffering.
Lord in your mercy. Hear our prayer.
Father God, We remember the supreme sacrifice of Jesus Christ your son, for the forgiveness of all the sins of humanity and the redemption of all creation. Strengthen our resolve to be even more addicted to his words and examples and apply them to our lives. And as we think of those who have recently died and those we would lift up before you this morning, as we light this candle may it remind us of the light of Christ that still shines on in our dark world, a symbol of eternal life, forgiveness, hope and love.
Merciful Father accept these prayers for the sake of your son our Saviour Jesus Christ
Who taught us to say…..