Putnoe Heights Church Prayers for Remembrance Sunday. 14th November 2004
Let us pray...
This is my commandment, that ye love one another, as I have loved you.
Be ye followers of God, and walk in love, even as Christ loved us, and
gave himself for us.
On this Remembrance Sunday we begin our intercessions with a prayer of
Lord God, thank you for loving us even when we turn away from you. We are
grateful for your constant care and concern. Though we feel unworthy of
your great love, we thank you that through our weaknesses you give us
strength; and in our wanderings you show us the way.
Lord in your mercy; Hear our prayer.
A prayer of remembrance ...
Lord, we remember those who died when madness ruled the world and evil
dwelt on earth, those we knew and those whose very name is lost. Because
of their sacrifice, may we renew our fight against cruelty and injustice,
against prejudice, tyranny, and oppression.
Still we cry to God out of the darkness of our divided world. Let not the
hope of men and women perish. Let not new clouds rain death upon the
Turn to yourself the hearts and wills of rulers and peoples, that a new
world may arise where men and women live as friends in the bond of your
Lord in your mercy; Hear our prayer.
In a world still troubled with war, hatred and unrest, we pray for peace
and unity... You have called us to be one, to live in unity and harmony,
and yet we are divided;
race from race, faith from faith, rich from poor, old from young;
neighbour from neighbour. 0 Lord, by whose cross all enmity is brought to
an end, break down the walls that separate us, tear down the fences of
indifference and hatred;
Forgive us the sins that divide us, free us from pride and self-seeking;
overcome our prejudices and fears.
Give us courage to open ourselves to others; by the power of your Spirit,
make us one.
Lord in your mercy; Hear our prayer.
We think now of all who are unwell in mind, body or spirit; and also those
who seek to heal their suffering ...
Remember in mercy, 0 God our Father, those who are passing through
illness, and especially those known to us who we are now thinking of in
our prayers.
Bless all that is being done for their good, and surround them with your
healing love and power, that your will may be done.
Lord in your Mercy; Hear our Prayer.
We pray for those who mourn and those who have died...
Help us, 0 God, to trust you not for ourselves alone, but for those also
whom we love and
who are hid from us by the shadow of death; that as we believe your power
to have raised our Lord Jesus Christ from the dead, so we may trust your
love to give eternal life to all who believe in him, who is the
resurrection and the life.
Jesus Christ is the light of the world, a light which no darkness can
quench. We remember before God those who have died and light a candle to
symbolise the light of Christ which eternally shines and brings hope
We remember you turn our darkness into light and in your light shall we
see light.
Merciful Father,
Accept these prayers for the sake of your son, our Saviour Jesus Christ.
Lord, let us walk with you and know your peace. May our lives speak of
And our whole being wait on you,
To hear your Word and to do your will, our Lord and our God.
The Lord's Prayer.