Prayers of Intercession Easter Sunday
Mr Ian Farthing
The bidding for our prayers is Lord in Your Mercy and the response is hear our prayer.
God our Father, on this Easter day we come together to offer praise and adoration for Jesus- Jesus risen, alive, powerful and victorious, the salvation of the World – He is risen indeed Alleluia.
Lord without the resurrection of your son our faith would be empty and without hope, but he is alive and we rejoice in the knowledge that in Jesus all that separates, injures and destroys has been overcome by that which unites and heals and creates.
We pray for your Church here at St Marks and Putnoe Heights and we give thanks for calling us into the company of those who trust in Christ and seek to obey his will.
We think of your church today celebrating in clusters and crowds all over the world. Our language race and nationalities may be different but our worship is one and our praise for you united.
We pray that your spirit may guide and strengthen us all in mission and service to you , to our own community and to the world outside in whatever way we can each contribute and we pray that day by day we may draw closer to you, experiencing your love for us .
Lord in your mercy
Lord, on this special day grant us peace in your world for countries where there is war and communities that are broken.
We remember today those involved in conflicts around the world and in our prayers we especially remember the people of Syria and of Afghanistan, we pray for our service personnel in active duty around the world and ask that you will keep them safe until they return home to their families and those they love.
We pray for those living in our own country in areas of deprivation where high unemployment and crime levels make daily living a tough challenge.
May all who struggle know that you are always with them in their suffering and will follow them step by step down whichever road they choose to take.
Lord in your mercy
Lord we pray for ourselves, you know the needs of human life. As we seek to live our lives according to your example, help us by your presence to overcome our hasty speech that hurts others, to be free from greed and selfishness, from pride and jealousy that spoil our life.
Help us to curb our temper, to be free from moodiness and wanting our own way, let your presence help us to care about the feelings of others to be gentle and ready to say we are sorry.
You know us Lord bring out the best in us so that our lives may reflect your way for the world.
Lord in your mercy
Lord we pray for those in your world who are in need and ask you to look with pity on those who suffer.
Be merciful to those in need. We pray for the broken hearted that you would bind up their sorrows, for the sick that you would heal their infirmities, for the lonely that in you they would discover the perfect friend, for the bereaved that in the midst of their unmeasurable loss they would know the depths of your love .
Jesus Christ is the light of the world a light which no darkness can quench we remember before God all those who have died and light a candle to symbolise the light of Christ which always eternally shines and brings hope.
You turn our darkness into light in your light shall we see light
Lord in your mercy
Ever living God help us now to celebrate our joy in the resurrection of Jesus and to express in our lives the love we celebrate.
Death cannot hold the Lord of Life, new life for him means new life for all who believe in Christ.
Merciful father accept these prayers for the sake of you son our Saviour Jesus Christ.
We will now sing together the Lord’s Prayer which can be found