Prayers for Sunday 7 November 2010
Father GOD, in our songs and prayers we have praised and adored you, in our confessions we have sought your forgiveness and in reading your word we have found comfort and challenge. May the whole experience of worship this morning be to your glory and a means of renewal and grace to us all.
Make our hearts truly grateful for all your care and love that we have sung, prayed and read about. Help us to appreciate our total dependency upon you and that every good and perfect gift comes from you alone.
We give thanks for the breath taking wonder of your creation , from star lit space, to our local autumnal beauty seen in the leaves we can hold in our hands. For our free will, our intellect, our emotions and all the blessings of life that we enjoy. Thank you for the greatest gift of all, our Saviour Jesus, he alone makes every thing plain and credible, regarding our origin and destiny. With grateful hearts we acknowledge the guiding and enabling power of your spirit and for the hope of eternal life that is ours, through faith in him who reigns with you in glory.
Influenced by your perfect love, truth and way, we become so sensitive to the needs and suffering of others and our broken, fallen world. So in moments of silent reflection we bring before you the situations we have seen on TV screens, the news we’ve heard and read about; we lift them up to you now. (silence)
May our personal recollections and concerns, join and ascend as one wide embracing prayer.
In the same way we recall the needs of those we love and others we care about . We briefly recall their circumstance, and whisper names………[silence]
May these silent expressions intercede on their behalf that they might know Divine influence for good in their lives and circumstances.
We open our hearts and bring before you the things that scare, worry and burden us, We silently scan them now. [silence] …….
Capture all these reflections, hear our cries for help and guidance. Only you know the sense we mean and our deepest need.
Bless and hold in you care the precious life of the [ N] one we welcome into the family of God this morning, and those who love and care. Help us in these days of stress, with so much evil intent, suffering and depravation to be more aware, caring and sharing; more generous in our loving, giving and serving at home and across the world.
Comfort we pray all those who grieve and mourn. We give thanks for the lives of those we love and for a time, see no more. We remember [n] who have recently died. We light a candle, because its light reminds of the light of JESUS Christ, who has banished the darkness of death . So grant us to trust in his promises, to guide and guard us in complex, frightening and heartbreaking times. Father move within us while we pray and give us courage and peace.
Lay your guiding hand on our lives so that we will practice what has been preached here today and we will live out the very things we have sung and prayed this morning.
So we join these prayers with those of your people on earth and your saints in heaven, as we repeat words that Jesus taught us.
Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name.
Thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses
As we forgive those who trespass against us.
And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil,
For thine is the kingdom, the power and the glory,
For ever and ever. Amen.