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notre dame montreal

Church Prayers and Intercessions

Church Prayers and Intercessions

Ordinary 32

Be mindful, 0 Lord, of us your people who are present together here in this place, and of those who are absent through age, frailty or sickness.

We commend the children to your care, the young to your guidance, the married to your enriching, the aged to your support, the faint-hearted to your strengthening power,
the scattered to your shepherd's love, and the wandering to your call to repent and be forgiven.

Journey with all travellers; help the bereaved; release the addicted; heal the sick. Bring assurance to all who are passing through trouble, need, or anxiety. Remember for good all those who love us, those who care
nothing for us, and those who have asked us (unworthy as we are) to pray for them. There are surely some whom we have forgotten, but you, Lord, will surely remember them; for you are the helper of the helpless,the saviour of the lost, the refuge for the wanderer, and the healer of the sick. Since you know each one's need and hear every prayer, we commend each one to your merciful grace and your everlasting love.
Lord in your mercy. Hear our prayer.

Suffer us, 0 Lord, never to think that we have knowledge enough to need no teaching, wisdom enough to need no correction, talents enough to need no grace, goodness enough to need no progress, humility enough to need no repentance, and strength sufficient without your spirit.

Lord in your mercy. Hear our prayer.

Have mercy, 0 God, on those defenceless people in hideous war zones; families robbed of those they love; prisoners of war, ill-treated and tortured; and old people and children dying of starvation.

Lord in your mercy. Hear our prayer.

Heavenly Father, we entrust to your love and care the members of our families wherever they may be especially this morning those who are new;y baptised and their families. Supply their needs and guide their steps; keep them in safety of body and soul; and let your peace rest upon us all.

Lord in your mercy. Hear our prayer.

Father, we bring to you the needs of those whose lives are shadowed by suffering, praying especially for those whose sickness has no cure, whose sadness finds no comfort, and whose loneliness can never be filled. Bind up their wounds, o Lord, and lift their hearts to you.

God of hope and giver of all comfort, we commend to your keeping those who mourn the loss of loved ones. Give them the peace that passes all understanding, and make them to know that neither death nor life can separate them from your love in Jesus Christ our Lord.

Jesus Christ is the light of the world, a light which no darkness can quench. We remember before God those who have died and light a candle to symbolise the light of Christ which eternally shines and brings hope. They do not need the sun or the moon to shine on them, for the glory of God gives them 1ight and the Lamb is their lamp.

Merciful Father. accept these prayers for the sake of your son, our Saviour
Jesus Christ.