Prayers of Intercession
By Sue Allen
Gracious God, as we come to you now in prayer, we focus our thoughts on the needs of those around us and in the wider world. We realise that our imagination can never be big enough to comprehend all the situations which call out for your loving care. Our minds cannot encompass the needs of so many. But you, Lord, are all-seeing and all-knowing, and so we place into your hands all things, in the certain hope that you hear us, reach out to us, and that you will bring help and hope and comfort to all who suffer. And so we say
Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer.
We pray for peace and harmony in the world. For countries where there is hostility and conflict. For cities under siege, running short of water, power and medicine. For areas beset with crime and civil unrest where people do not feel safe even in their own homes. We remember the vast areas of the planet suffering from drought and famine, for the work of agencies like Christian Aid, for all living in temporary camps. We pray especially for the children who have known no other kind of life than waiting for the next delivery of rice and water. Show us ways of helping them, Lord, in whatever way we can. As we have just celebrated our Harvest, teach us how to fairly share the resources of our planet.
Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer.
We pray for the church throughout the world, remembering that the church depends on its people. WE ARE the church, Lord. Enlarge our vision, encourage, enthuse, empower and energise us all to do your will day by day. We give thanks for all the unseen and unsung work done quietly by the people of God. For all the small things done in the service of the Lord.
Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer.
Lord we pray for our nation, for all in Government and positions of responsibility both nationally and locally. We pray for all those wrestling with economic problems throughout the world. For our local council working to improve the way we live, and for our police and emergency services and the Health service. So many needs, so many calls on time and skills. Support and uphold them Lord and through your care may they know that they are valued.
Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer.
We turn our prayers now to those passing through anxious times, the sick, the vulnerable, those concerned about the health of a loved one , parent, child or partner. Lord, hold all who live with fear and doubt in your powerful and tender arms and may they know your peace.
And we remember those who have died.
We light a candle to remember those who have died. Jesus Christ is the light of the world, a light no darkness can overcome. Today we remember……………………………….......................
In your light shall we see light.