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Church Prayers and Intercessions

Church Prayers and Intercessions for Ordinary 30

As we acknowledge Christ our Lord and King, let us offer these prayers and petitions to the Father in His name:
For the Church, the earthly kingdom of God: that she may receive the graces necessary to continue to carry out the Lord’s mission and be a sign of his love and goodness to the world…. For Alan and Richard our Bishops and for Dave Middlebrook the newly appointed Archdeacon of Bedford

For those in positions of authority: that their programs and policies are ones which unite, encourage and enrich the lives of those whom they serve. Especially we pray for all of those in government charged with leading our nation and especially for the negotiations with Europe over our future

For the many agencies who gear up this season to help those in need: that they be granted the resources and outreach they need to fulfill their goals. For foodbanks, homeless, shelters, those dealing with people who are lonely and depressed

We give thanks for all who give of their time and talents in loving service to this parish: that we may continue to build up the Kingdom of God in all that we do.

We pray for those we know in need that the Lord in his mercy will be close to them with his healing power and tender love...... Let us pray to the Lord for them .  

For all who have died: especially loved ones remembered in our Book of Remembrance Life, that they may be united with the Father and rejoice in eternal life......

Heavenly Father, on this day when we celebrate your almighty kingship, we ask you to hear the words of your people and grant our needs as you will. We ask this through Christ, our Lord.