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Church Prayers and Intercessions

Church Prayers and Intercessions

Ordinary 29

The bidding today is LORD IN YOUR MERCY and the response is HEAR OUR PRAYER

Heavenly Father, you have planted in the heart of each one of us an instinct to pray and we know that true prayer is simply holding communion with you in any way, any time and any place. Teach us to pray openly, trustfully, confidently, unselfishly remembering the needs of others as well as our own. In our communion with you we pray that we will hear you speaking to us and that in the quietness of your presence we will hear your still small voice and be able to reply “Speak Lord, your servant is listening.”


Heavenly Father, we bring to your love the daily work of each member of Christ’s body that in constant prayer we may learn your will and your ways of doing things until we work exclusively for your glory. May we all be more receptive to the Holy Spirit until every worshipping community is charged with the vitality and love of the living Christ.
We bring before you all church leaders, bishops, all in ordained and lay ministry and we give you thanks here at St Mark’s for the work of Charlie and Sam, and who all serve in the ministry here. May they be touched and strengthened by your caring love.


Heavenly Father, we pray for the spiritual health and welfare of our country. We pray for our own local community and for the well-being of our church within this community, that we may be a spiritual family, a household of faith where people are welcomed and nourished. May our church be a beacon of hope, compassion and strength within this community. We pray also for the social community of which we are a part, that you would make it a place where all can flourish, where the weak are cared for and where there is harmony among people of all backgrounds and traditions.
We ask your blessing on all those elected to local and national government that they may lead with courage and wisdom, reflecting the values that the moral test of our society is how the weak, the poor and the vulnerable are faring.


Heavenly Father, we remember before the world’s great needs and its many sorrows. Bless all those countries where war is a way of life for so many and human tragedies cause so much despair. At a time of turmoil in the world when decisions being made are life and death decisions for many innocent people, we pray that you will be there and your voice will be heard. We pray for peace in the escalating situation in the Middle East, for Mosul and for Aleppo. We pray for a ceasing of hostilities and unnecessary loss of life. We have all been moved by the plight of suffering children in Aleppo and we pray that bombings will cease and that humanitarian aid and food will reach those in dire need. We ask that you will govern the hearts and minds of those in authority and bring the families of the nations divided and torn apart by conflicts to your just and gentle rule.
Help us to open our arms in welcome and reach out our hands in support of refugees who have fled in fear from their own countries. May the desperate find new hope and lives torn apart be restored by your unfailing love.


Loving Father, we pray for ourselves and our families, friends and neighbours: may we acknowledge our failings as well as our strengths and serve you in serving one another. We ask for your blessing on all those who have lost their way, all who have lost their grip on reality, those deluding themselves or others. We pray for the confused, the harassed and the dejected, the abandoned the neglected and the abused.
We bring before you those who are ill and in pain. Surround all who are suffering with your tenderness and give strength to those in pain. Hold the weak in the arms of your love and give hope and patience to those recovering. In a moment of silence we pray for those known only to ourselves who are suffering at this time………………………………


Loving Father surround all who mourn this day with your continuing compassion. May their grief not turn them against you and may they know that you are always beside them sharing in their sorrow. We pray for those who have died that they may know the eternal joy of living in your presence for ever.

Jesus Christ is the light of the world, a light which no darkness can quench. We remember before God those who have died and light a candle to symbolise the light of Christ which eternally shines and brings hope.

Today we remember and pray for ……………………………………..

In your light shall we see light.


We thank you Father for the fresh joys and challenges of each new day; for the love and encouragement your Spirit gives us.

The living God’s love prayer.

Merciful Father, accept these prayers for the sake of your Son, our Saviour – Jesus Christ . Amen

Let us conclude our prayers by singing together the prayer which Jesus taught us and which you can find in the service booklets.