Prayers for Ordinary 29
Prayers of Intercession October 19 2014
Morning Worship by Mrs Sue Allen
O God our Heavenly Father, We offer our prayers now for all people and their situations. For lives that are going through upheaval or distress. For circumstances which only you can change.
We pray for the Church throughout the world, remembering those Christians in countries where their beliefs make them vulnerable and in danger. Uphold and strengthen all who are persecuted for their faith. We pray for hostages and their families and loved ones from whom they are separated.
We give thanks for this church, for St Marks and our neighbouring churches in Bedford. May we point the way to Gods Kingdom in our community and welcome through our doors all who are seeking the better way.
Lord in your mercy, Hear our prayer.
Loving God, We pray for peace in the world. For understanding between nations, religions and factions. For an end to the old scores which remain unsettled. We pray for the peoples of the Middle East, for Christian, Muslim and Jew, that they may live alongside one another in mutual respect and harmony. We pray for suffering brought about by natural disasters remembering the community of Bermuda in the aftermath of the hurricane, and victims of the snowstorms in the Himalayas.
Lord in your mercy, Hear our prayer.
Forgiving God, Send your healing forgiveness to all who are suffering feelings of guilt, shame or regret. Help to mend broken relationships. Be with all who feel that, through advancing years or failing health, they cannot enjoy life as it used to be. May those who are learning to live a new pattern of life feel that you are walking beside them.
Lord in your mercy, Hear our prayer.
Healing God, we pray for all who are sick at this time. For sickness of body, mind or spirit. For all in hospital or care home. We ask that you would guide and direct staff who have been given the responsibility of ministering to the sick and infirm. May they be fulfilled in their calling. We give thanks for agencies who help the disadvantaged, the hungry, the homeless and increasing numbers of those in poverty. We thank you for the opportunities we have to send help to BECHAR and the Food Bank.
Lord in your mercy, Hear our prayer.
We light a candle now to remember those who have died and to symbolise the light of Christ which eternally shines and eternally brings hope to dark places. Jesus Christ is the Light of the World, a light no darkness can quench. In His light may we see light. We remember…………………………………….
Merciful Father, accept these prayers………………….
The Lord’s Prayer.