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Church Prayers and Intercessions

Church Prayers and Intercessions for Ordinary 29

Mrs Margaret Appleton

The bidding today is LORD IN YOUR MERCY and the response is HEAR OUR PRAYER


Everlasting God, as we approach the end of another Church Year, we look back with gratitude and thankfulness for all the blessings you have bestowed upon us. On this beautiful morning we thank you for your wonderful world in all its glory. Help us to ensure that we are good stewards to your creation.
We pray for our church here at St Mark’s and give you thanks for the role it plays in our daily lives; for the friendships made and for the ministry we receive.
We thank you for those who work so hard arranging  fellowship and outreach, for the organisers of fund-raising events; for those who help to run the church office; the flower arrangers; cleaners; and those who maintain our church building and gardens in such good order.
We thank you and ask for your blessing on new members of our congregation and help each one of ensure that they feel welcome and valued.


Everlasting God we pray for the many people who visit our church during the week as members of the many groups which are established here and we pray that we can continue to play such an important part in the life of the local community.
We thank you for the dedication of the staff who run the Pre-School, for Junior Church leaders, for the leaders of Chat & Play, Storybox and  Messy Church. May they be reassured that you walk beside them in their endeavours.



We thank you for our families, friends and loved ones on whom we depend and to whom we owe so much. We pray for personal spiritual growth. May we be more watchful, preparing ourselves more thoroughly day by day to meet you face to face. Train our hearts to always be thankful so we live daily out of a deep sense of gratitude and humility.
We bring before you this morning all those who do not know the joys of family life; homes where relationships have broken down and where intolerance and abuse is seen as normal. We commend to your love those whose minds have been poisoned by exposure to violence; children who have been abandoned or maltreated; all who crave affection but are frightened of getting hurt. May they be comforted and strengthened by your presence, trusting in your love which never fails.


Everlasting God, we pray for your world and ask for your blessing on all who are suffering from the effects of conflict, terrorism, persecution and natural disasters in different parts of your world. We bring before you this morning the people of California as efforts are made to stop the fires. We pray for those who have died, for those who mourn the loss of loved ones, and for those whose homes and businesses have been destroyed. May your love flood their hearts and bring them peace.
We pray for those suffering from war and we continue to pray for peace  the Middle East and throughout the world. We commend to your wisdom all who wield power; help them to encourage reconciliation rather than revenge, friendship rather than aggression and flexibility rather than stubborn intransigence.
During this week we have seen turmoil in our country’s Brexit proposals and we ask that you will guide our leaders and all in positions of influence that the right decisions will be made for the good of the people and that at all times Christian values will be upheld and promoted.



Loving God, we commend to you healing love all who are suffering in any way, the homeless, the hungry, the lonely the unemployed, the anxious, the depressed and all who are in pain. We pray for those in our world who need medical care but are either too poor or live too far away to receive it and we pray especially for the people of the Yemen. May they know you are with them in their suffering and empower the nations of the world to do all in their power to relieve their distress.
We pray for all who seek to bring health and healing to the sick whether they are at home or in hospital. We pray for our local hospital and for all who serve our local community as doctors, health visitors, district nurses and all involved in community health projects.
We bring before you this morning those whom we know who need our prayers and whom we name in a moment of quiet……………………

May the warmth and joy of your love comfort and sustain them.



Loving God, into your hands we commend all who have died and those mourning the loss of loved ones.
Jesus Christ is the light of the world, a light which no darkness can quench. We remember before God those who have died and light a candle to symbolise the light of Christ which eternally shines and brings hope. Today we remember…………………………………..
In you light shall they see light.


Loving God, we pray for ourselves. As we go from your house today to start the week ahead, we ask that in all that we do and all that we say, we may walk more closely with you at our side, safe in the knowledge that your fatherly love and care know no bounds.


Merciful Father, accept these prayers for the sake of your Son, our Saviour – Jesus Christ.  Amen

Let us conclude our prayers by saying together the prayer which Jesus taught us and which you can find in the service booklets.