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St Albans Diocese Crest

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Christian worship, sermons, prayer and Bible study from
St. Mark's Church and Putnoe Heights Church, Bedford, England - The world is our parish

Intercessions for Ordinary 27  by Mr Mike Elliott

Prayers of Intercession Oct. 8th 2006

Morning Worship at 9-30 am

1. Gen.2: 18-24 God names animals, creates Woman.
2. Heb.1: 1-4, 2: 5-12 Made like His brothers.
3. Mark 10: 2-16 Speaks on divorce and children

The bidding for our prayers will be ‘Lord in Your Mercy’
With the response ‘Hear our Prayer’.
After these prayers of intercession we shall say together the Lord’s prayer as printed on your Order of Service and using the Modern form.
The hymnwriter wrote :
Prayer is the simplest form of speech
That infant lips can try;
Prayer, the sublimest strains that reach
The majesty on high.

Heavenly Father as we approach you with our prayers for others, help us to focus on you and on your goodness, grace and mercy shown to us, that indeed our simple cries may be heard even at the gates of eternity.

Lord Jesus we pray for your Church.
Support and sustain its work especially among peoples who appear blind to the spiritual things of life and who only see the temporal. We pray for those engaged in taking Church to the community through the Fresh Expressions movement. Bless our brothers and sisters in Christ who are working for greater inter-denominational co-operation at local and national levels. And we pray especially for LEP’s and covenants and joint projects in our own Circuit and Deanery.

Bless the work of this Church and of our Sister church in Putnoe. Support the leadership of our ministers Charlie Joan and Sam and all who hold office that the ongoing work of service and witness to the wider community is furthered and, with your grace, hearts are stirred and minds opened to the certainty of the Good News of Jesus.

Lord in Your mercy. - 'Hear our prayer’

Christians are not asked to hide from the troubles of the world but to show where knowledge of Christ and his love can lead to new actions, understandings and changes of heart.
We pray for so many parts of the world where peoples are in conflict and where that conflict causes misery to those innocently caught up in its turmoil and destruction. We think of the Middle East (Palestine, Lebanon, Afghanistan and Iraq) and Darfur in the Sudan and so many others no longer considered newsworthy. As our Saviour simply taught that we should love our Neighbour, irrespective of location, race or beliefs, empower all who try to put this message into action through negotiation, through politics or through simple acts of neighbourly trust.

We may well wonder why there is so much regional conflict when the whole planet is under threat from our communal over-consumption of fossil fuels. We give thanks that there is, at last, a growing acceptance of the problem and pray that there will be the will and selfless determination to effect timely solutions with fairness to all peoples.

Lord in Your mercy. - 'Hear our prayer’

We pray for this our nation. Give wisdom and humility to all in government and authority at all levels of our society. As our politicians make there rallying calls and lay out policies in party conferences so we thank you for our hard-won democracy and pray for open and honest debate and decisions which will help all our diverse communities.
We pray especially for Elizabeth our Queen and the members of our armed forces continuing to face difficult duties abroad. We pray for their families awaiting the day when they will see their loved cones again.

We feel for all caught up in the aftermath of crime and especially for the Amish community in Pennsylvania, who are showing the world what forgiveness means after so great a tragedy.
We also pray for those in our big cities where gun crime amongst disadvantaged youth seems endemic. We remember and pray for community leaders and members of the Police Service.
We pray for the continuing peace process in Northern Ireland where at last there is some hope of co-operation between the Nationalist and Unionist parties.

Lord in Your mercy. - 'Hear our prayer’

And so we think now of those in special need in our own community, the sick, the frail, the vulnerable, the outcast, those who’s only comfort is the bottle or the needle.

And we pray for all those who minister to so many different needs and ask that you endow them with wisdom, strength and compassion as they go about their caring tasks.
So let us share a moment of silence together as we bring before you those about whom we are concerned as we name them in our hearts. (A short period of silence)

All these we hold up to you and commit to your loving care.
Lord in Your mercy. - 'Hear our prayer’

We pray for those who face the pain of grief at the loss of a loved one whether recent or many years ago.

Jesus Christ is the Light of the World, a light which no darkness can quench. We remember before God those who have died and light a candle to symbolise the light of Christ which eternally shines and brings hope.
Today we remember: -
Branco Stanojev

You turn our darkness into light; in your light shall we see light.

Lord in Your mercy. - 'Hear our prayer’

A final prayer for ourselves: As Christ welcomed children let us welcome Christ in our lives with a childlike trust that he can indeed be Lord of our lives.
Merciful Father, “Accept these prayers for the sake of your Son, our Saviour, Jesus Christ. Amen”.

Gathering our prayers and praises into one as we sing the Lord’s Prayer together.

(Modern Form)
Our Father in Heaven, Hallowed be your name
Your kingdom come, your will be done
On earth as it is in heaven.
Give us today our daily bread, forgive us our sins.
As we forgive those who sin against us.
Lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil.
For the kingdom the power and the glory are yours,
Now and forever. Amen