Church Prayers and Intercessions for Ordinary 26
Heavenly Father as we bring our prayers before you before you, give to us honest hearts as we bring you our thanksgiving and confess our needs.
Lord God, the friend of sinners and those in need, your Son Jesus has untied our burdens and healed our spirits. So we lift before you all those whose hearts are burdened and those who seek healing.
We pray for the nations of the world that justice, truth and mercy would govern the hearts of those who lead, that all people would be led in true peace. Turn the hearts of those who are filled with hate and bring the families of the nations under your just and gentle rule.
We pray for our church and for our bishops and church leaders, that they may have wisdom and courage to seek to direct your church in right pathways. May your church faithfully serve you and seek always to be faithful your calling to be a light in dark places, bringing about the ways of your kingdom on earth.
God of mercy and healing, you who hear the cries of those in need, receive the petitions of your people that all who are troubled may know peace, comfort, and courage. Lord Jesus you meet us in our suffering and supply our hearts with your strength when we call upon your name. Grant your protection to those in need comfort them and may they know your presence in their affliction. Set your angels charge over them and lead them in your way through the journey before them. Surround them with your tenderness and support them in your everlasting arms. We pray especially for .......
Gracious God be with all of those who mourn and may they know the tender compassion of your love. May the hope which you supply sustain all those who are troubled by grief, that it may never overwhelm those who call upon you.