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St Albans Diocese Crest

Methodist Church Logo
Christian worship, sermons, prayer and Bible study from
St. Mark's Church and Putnoe Heights Church, Bedford, England - The world is our parish

Intercessions for Ordinary 25

Dearest Lord, we pray that our lives would be noble, defined by right actions and decent living. Not just living for ourselves but considerate of all those around us, our families, friends and neighbours. May we learn to think about the poor, the needy and those who are suffering. We confess our part in living in a world economic system which relies upon the poverty of some for the wealth of others. In the midst of ambiguous choices, help us always to be mindful of our own good fortune and to be open to the possibilities of making change in our own lives and affecting change in others.

We take to heart Lord Jesus your example of a child. May we never think so much of our own importance that we forget the equal value of those around, especially those who do not seek to draw attention to themselves, but follow your example of humility. May we also be protected from showing favour to those who exhalt themselves through their positions of wealth, power or authority.

We pray for our churches at St Mark's and Putnoe Heights, and all who contribute in so many ways. We remember all of our church members who are away on holiday today, for their refreshment and enjoyment. May we learn to minister to one another in quiet service, following your example  of considering the needs of others before your own.

we pray for our Circuit, remembering especially the first circuit meeting this week for our new superintendent The Reverend Martin Hounsefield. We pray for good relationships, tolerance, forgiveness and understanding and a willingness to listen to each other. We pray for our Deanery and especially we remember The Reverend Clifford Bradley as he moves into retirement, that he would enjoy many long and happy years ahead.

Make us a prayerful people, a people who rest in your presence, in the midst of the busyness of life, and draw strength from you. May we know the importance of seeking your way in all that we do, that activity would never distract us from the importance of waiting in your presence and listening to your word for our lives. we ask this that we might truly become channels of your peace to the world around us. 
