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Church Prayers and Intercessions

Church Prayers and Intercessions

By Mrs Sue Allen

Ordinary 24 Year B 2015 13 September


Living god, united as the family of your people, we pray for the whole family of man. We recognize your world is full of diversity; different beliefs, different opinions, different expectations. But we are all your children and we long for your peace. Peace in our minds, peace in our hearts and peace throughout the world.
Lord in your mercy, Hear our prayer.

We give thanks for our freedom to worship and we look for fuller awareness of the meaning of the Christian Gospel. We are excited by the promise of your gifts to us as we seek to serve you in this church. We give you thanks for the responsibilities you have given us to serve this neighbourhood and all mankind in the wider world.
Lord in your mercy, Hear our prayer.

We pray for children and young people embarking on the next stage of their life’s journey. For staff in schools and colleges. Lord, be the light that guides teachers and students towards their goals in education, in citizenship. Grant them enthusiasm and joy as they work towards a fulfilled and satisfying future.
Lord in your mercy, Hear our prayer.

Lord, we remember all who are burdened by their circumstances in life. For all in want, all in fear, despair or hardship. We pray for all displaced persons, those hoping for a better life in another country. Lord, be with those in governments who are trying to find solutions to the migrant crisis, may the teachings of Jesus Christ be always foremost in their thinking.
Lord in your mercy, Hear our prayer.

We pray for those who are sick, at home, in hospital or hospice. Bring your comfort in distress, your healing for pain, your reassurance in uncertainty. Support all healthcare staff, visitors and volunteers who work to bring relief of suffering.
Lord in your mercy, Hear our prayer.

Let us remember in our prayers those who have died. This week Putnoe Heights Church has lost several good friends and we pray for them and for their families:
Let us light a candle in the darkness,
In the face of death a sign of life,
As a sign of hope where all seemed hopeless,
As a sign of peace in place of strife,
For the light is stronger than the darkness
And the day will overcome the night,
Though the shadows linger all around us,
Let us turn our faces to the light.

Merciful Father, Accept these prayers through your Son, Jesus Christ Our Lord, Amen.