Church Prayers for Ordinary 23
Prayers Sunday 12 September, 2010
The bidding today is Lord in Your Mercy
and the response is
Hear our prayer
As sons and daughters of our heavenly Father, let us pray together, trusting in his unfailing love.
Loving Shepherd, this morning we give you thanks for your protection and loving care and we rejoice that you came into the world to save the lost and to show your love to all people. We offer you our thanks that no one is forgotten by you and that no one is written off as worthless. We rest in the knowledge that when we go astray you will pursue us and when we are lost you will search until we are found and so bring us back into the safety of your fold.
Father, you call us and empower us to live to your glory: you are our Guide, our Shepherd and our God.
We pray for all those who have strayed from the faith; for all who have become lost in their varying ways and especially for those whose lives are in danger. We bring before you in our prayers all those who have never known the joy of your love and those who deny your existence. We pray that you will grant the vision of your holiness to those who defame and seek to destroy the faith.
Help us to care for others as you care for us and inspire us to share the good news of your love with those whom we come into contact. When one of your flock turns back to you from their past failings and trusts you for all that lies ahead, help us to celebrate with them and so share in the joy of heaven.
Lord in your mercy
Hear Our Prayer
Loving Shepherd, We pray for, and ask you to protect your flock – the Church – and for the shepherds of your flock here on earth:
all ministers of your gospel, religious teachers and leaders and all involved in missionary work.
Bless our Christian family here at St Mark’s; at Putnoe Heights and throughout the world and help us to witness to your love by the kind of lives we lead and the work we do in your name.
We thank you for the ministry here of Charlie, Sam and Jane and pray they will continue to guide their flock in your loving ways. As the people of your world wander like sheep that are lost, guide them in to the way of peace and love and grant them true repentance and the joy of knowing forgiveness for their sins.
Lord in your mercy
Hear our Prayer
Loving Shepherd, we remember before you all who work or live in dangerous places or a hostile environment and for all those suffering at this time from natural disasters. We continue to pray for the people of Pakistan and Haiti in their suffering and for the work of the relief agencies as they strive to bring comfort to those in need.
We pray for all people who are caught up in strife and warfare, especially the innocent children. May they all know the joy of your loving presence.
We pray for all who are working to bring peace and we remember and ask for your blessing on the work of the United Nations; the peace-keeping forces and our own forces engaged in trying to bring peace to our troubled world.
Bless and guide the leaders of all nations and communities and we pray that they and we will not wander as sheep without a shepherd but rather be directed by you in the path of peace.
Lord in your mercy
Hear our prayer
Loving Shepherd, you challenge us so much by your words.
We are rich compared to so many in the world and yet we often lack generosity to the poor.
We have plenty of food compared to the hungry and yet we often fail to share our blessings with others.
We live in a world of much enmity and divisions and yet we fail in offering our love to overcome them.
Forgive us and help us to be true to your teaching:
- to love as you love
- to give but to expect nothing in return and
- to help in building a new world of compassion and mutual care.
Lord in your mercy
Hear our Prayer
Loving Shepherd, we pray for all those who are trying to spread your word or have influence over our young people. We pray for the teachers in our local schools and colleges praying especially for those who teach here in Brickhill; for youth workers, child minders and for the staff who work here in this church with the pre school groups.
We ask for your blessing on children and young people everywhere and for all who care for them. May they count it a privilege and joy to care for the young committed to them and to teach them something about you in the love they express.
As many young people prepare to go off to University in the next two weeks we pray especially for those from within our own families and from this church. We ask that you will walk beside them on their journey: may they always be aware of your unending love in the many new challenges they will face and the relationships they will form as they begin the next phase of their lives.
Lord in your mercy
Hear our Prayer
Loving Shepherd, we give you thanks for all you have given to us. We ask you to bless our homes, our families and our friends with your presence, love and peace.
We pray for homes where there is unrest, fearfulness and violence, and for all who have suffered abuse or neglect – for children who have been taken into care and for those who are left at risk.
We ask that you will be with all who walk in darkness; may your love and light protect the depressed and the despairing: may your strength and hope be known to the discouraged.
We pray for people whose lives are insecure, for those whose relationships, homes or work are at risk and for those who have become captive to vice or drugs
We ask for your blessing on all those whose health is failing and who are ill at home or in hospital; for those whose powers are waning and are becoming dependant on others. Give them strength and courage to deal with each new day knowing that you love them. We pray especially for those known to ourselves who are in need of our prayers and whom we remember in a moment of quiet.
May the light of your love shine upon them and bring them your peace.
Lord in your mercy
Hear Our Prayer
Loving Shepherd, we pray for all those who are mourning the loss of a loved one and we give you thanks for all who have triumphed over the troubles of this world and are now at rest and at peace in your kingdom.
Jesus Christ is the light of the world; a light which no darkness can quench. We remember before God all those who have died and light a candle to symbolise the light of Christ, which eternally shines and brings hope. This morning we remember and pray for…………………….
and for all friends and family departed from us. May they rest in your love and be renewed and restored by your almighty power and may we, with them, share in your love and in life everlasting.
Lord in your mercy
Hear our prayer
Merciful Father, accept these prayers for the sake of your Son, our Saviour, Jesus Christ. Amen
Let us say together the prayer which Jesus taught us, in the form which can be found in your service booklets.