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notre dame montreal

Church Prayers for Ordinary 23 Year A 2011

Prayers of Intercession

Prayers for September 11th 2011

Let  Us Pray...
We pray, on this anniversary of the attack on the United States by terrorists, for forgiveness. We pray for forgiveness for ourselves; forgiveness from those we have wronged, and we pray for the gift of forgiveness. We pray that we may have the courage to forgive others. Christ gave us one of the most difficult of all commandments to keep – to forgive and love our enemies. To pray for and love those who do wrong to us. We pray for that love which Christ showed to us when he was crucified.
Lord, in your mercy....

We pray for those who lead us, for Charlie, Sam, and Jane. We pray for all in positions of leadership, authority and power. May they be guided by the knowledge and love of Christ to work for those whose lives they influence. May they be prepared to talk to their enemies, and not resort to violence as the answer to problems.
Lord, in your mercy....

We pray, at the beginning of the academic year, for all who seek to teach others. Whether in formal teaching in schools, academies, universities; or informally in the case of families and friends. May the love of Christ for us guide that teaching. We pray for those who are taught – may they enrich their lives with both knowledge, wisdom, and love.
Lord, in your mercy....

We pray for those who are ill in body, mind or spirit. Guide them in their suffering, and grant that they may know Love and Peace through Jesus Christ. We pray for all who minister to them, grant them strength, patience, and compassion in their work. We think and pray for those especially known to us at this time .....
Lord, in your mercy....

We pray for all who grieve for lost loved ones who have died. We ask you be with them in their grief, lead them with your love to accept their loss, and to go on with their lives. We pray that all who have lost loved friends and relatives from the violence of others, do not seek revenge, but try to bring compassion and understanding to those whom tragedy has happened. Jesus Christ is the light of the world, a light which no darkness can quench.  We remember before God those who have died and light a candle to symbolise the light of Christ, which eternally shines and brings hope. We remember …
You turn our darkness into light: in your light shall we see light.

Merciful Father,
accept these prayers for the sake of your Son, our Saviour Jesus Christ. Amen.
Gathering our prayers and praises into one, let us say the Lord’s Prayer together.