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Church Prayers and Intercessions

Church Prayers and Intercessions

By Charles Royden

Ordinary 23 Year B 2015 6 September

Lord Jesus on this day we remember when you opened the ears of the man who was deaf, open our ears to your voice and may we spread abroad the story of your love and compassion which reaches out and makes us well.

Open our ears O Lord to those who are lonely, the sick, those who are troubled in their hearts and minds and those who are spiritually hungry. May we be used by you to reach out with your healing touch to those who are in need.

Open the ears dear Lord we pray of the Nations, so that they might hear those who cry for justice. We remember those who are displaced from their own country by war and disaster. We pray for refugees asylum seekers and migrants who seek a place of peace and safety in which to live and care for their families. We pray for all of those who live in constant fear of war, those who have no peace because they are threatened for their race, colour or creed.

Open our ears Lord to the necessity for equality. Release all of those who are captive to prejudice and discrimination. Give perseverance to all who work for mutual respect and strive to remove intolerance.

Open our ears to those who cry out in suffering. To those who are trapped in broken bodies. To those who suffer from fragile minds, those have been broken through painful experiences or debilitating disease. Give hope to all who put their trust in you.

Open our ears to those whose lives have been crushed by the death of loved ones and who live in grief and loss. Give to all who mourn the knowledge of your compassion and of your everlasting love for all that you have created.

We remember those who have died and commend them to God.

Merciful Father, accept these prayers for the sake of your Son, our Saviour Jesus Christ

The Lord’s Prayer