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Church Prayers and Intercessions

Church Prayers and Intercessions

Intercessions Sunday 28 August

The bidding for our prayers is Lord in your mercy and the response if hear our prayer
Let us pray

Heavenly Father as we come before you we give you thanks for those whose influence has led us to come to worship in this place this morning.
We remember family members, Sunday School teachers, Church Leaders, friends and colleagues who have encouraged us to follow in the Christian way.
We give thanks for the fellowship which we find in this church which supports us as we seek to put our faith into practice in our daily lives.
Strengthen us, Lord, in your service, so that we, in our turn, may be an encouragement to others.
We pray for our ministers for Charlie and Sam and today especially for Jane as she leaves St Marks to take up her new role within the Circuit
We pray for your church at St. Mark's and at Putnoe Heights. Keep always before us the vision of church communities where people of different church backgrounds will work and worship together harmoniously and where those who seek to know more about the Christian faith will always find a welcome. We pray that you will give us all a clear understanding of the work you have set before us and may our witness in Brickhill and in Putnoe continue to grow.
Lord in your mercy

Father on this summer Sunday, we thank you for the refreshment which summer and our holidays bring. For the excitement of anticipation and planning, for the freedom from routine and for new experiences and opportunities.
You have given us a wonderful world that wherever we go,
whether at home or abroad, we are surrounded by things which please our eyes and open our minds.
Help us to use the summer and our holidays to see your glory in creation. Help us to use our freedom to understand more clearly the fullness of life you are constantly offering us.
Accept our thanks for the rich variety of life which is your gift and when our holidays are over, may we return to our homes safely, refreshed with a new vision of your will for us.
Lord in your mercy

Lord, we pray for the countries where there is war, random violence or only a fragile peace. We continue to pray for all those involved in the desperate situation in Syria, and pray that a way to peace can be found, and that the ways of diplomacy and of love and of forgiveness will be present on all sides and may the hearts of those who have been darkened by violence discover a different light and a better way to live in peace and in harmony with all people..
We pray for all who serve in positions of authority in this country and throughout the world; for all debates and international talks.
May the power of reason you have given us lead us towards your truth and your wisdom
Lord in your mercy

Lord, we pray for a world which struggles to live justly and for those who have to search for daily food or walk long distances for clean water.
Today we remember especially the victims of the terrible earthquake in Italy,   we pray for all who are engaged in bringing
We remember with sadness those whose lives are cut short by disease or violence, and for those who have fled their homes in fear.
We pray for those who meet persecution and torture with courage and dignity.
We remember the weak, the oppressed, the neglected and the abused. May all obstacles to their healing and wholeness be removed through the outpouring of your love and your hope.
We pray for those for whom this day will seem long and hard; for those in hospital or ill at home; those struggling with despair or depression; those waiting for a job, or important news, or for a friend to call
Lord, we ask you to touch with your generous love all those in special need today and we name them in our hearts in a moment of quiet
May your love flood their lives with hope and healing in body, mind and spirit.
Lord in your mercy

Lord, we pray for those whose hearts have been saddened by the death of someone close and dear to them, for members of our families who have died and whose anniversaries we recall.

Help us to experience the comfort of the Holy Spirit within us, and the fellowship of the church family around us until we are reunited once more in your heavenly kingdom.

Jesus Christ is the light of the World, a light which no darkness can quench. We remember before God those who have died and light a candle to symbolize the light of Christ which eternally shines and brings hope –

We remember

You turn our darkness into light in your light shall we see light

Lord in your mercy
Be with us Lord as we leave your house and grant that the prayers which we have said and the words that we have heard will help us in our daily lives. May we never forget that you are always near and may we be given grace to do all things to your glory.

Merciful Father.