Church Prayers and Intercessions
Intercessions Sunday 28 August
Heavenly Father we seek your help as we seek to model our lives on the teachings of our Lord Jesus.
As we hear his words encouraging us to be kind to others we pray that we would be mindful of the needs of those who are less fortunate and never to seek reward or recognition in helping others.
We look at the life of Jesus in which he cared for the weak and sick and in which he reached out to children, the poor and all of those who were vulnerable. May we be filled with the same attitude of mercy and may we treat others with equal compassion and dignity.
As we think about the death of Jesus we remember how his life was one of sacrifice in which he willingly forsook his own needs and instead offered all he had for the welfare of others. We ask for the presence of your Holy Spirit to empower us to change and become less selfish, less proud and more generous in the way that we give of ourselves to others in worship to you.
We pray for spiritual vision to see ourselves as we really are.
Enable us we pray to see our own faults with the same clarity that we see the faults of others.
Help us to seek always to give to others the same kindness we would like shown to ourselves.
May our lives be examples of humility that we might treasure others with the measure of love which you have shown for us.