Prayers Sunday 1st September 2013 Ordinary 22 Year C
Mr Ian Farthing
Lord God, you are the father of all people and we bring our prayers knowing that you will hear us and help us.
Lord as the summer draws to a close and we approach the start of a new academic year we remember and pray for children and young people everywhere, for those children about to spend their first hours away from home in school or nurseries, those who are eager and active as they welcome new experiences and relationships and for those who are apprehensive at what lies ahead.
We pray for those who are returning to school to face new challenges and experiences to extend their learning., for those whose ability and circumstances have allowed them to accept the opportunity of further and higher education: those starting college or university for the first time and finding their values tested and their horizons widened
May the power of your presence be with all who seek to learn and we pray that they may be worthy of the best in our society and society be worth of their potential.
Lord in your mercy
Lord God on this day when the world seems once again in turmoil and despair hear us as we pray for those who bear the heavy burden of leadership among the nations of the world.
Give them in all their deliberations wisdom to know your true will, regard for your laws and respect for human rights that they may seek to lead all people in the paths of truth freedom and peace for the glory of your name.
Lord in your mercy
Today a prayer for those damaged by the fighting in Syria.
To the wounded and injured:. Come Lord Jesus
To the terrified who are living in shock Come Lord Jesus
To the hungry and homeless, refugee and exile: Come Lord Jesus
To those bringing humanitarian aid: Give protection Lord Jesus.
To those administering medical assistance: Give protection Lord Jesus.
To those offering counsel and care: Give protection Lord Jesus.
For all making the sacrifice of love:
Give the strength of your Spirit
and the joy of your comfort.
In the hope of Christ we pray.
Lord in your mercy
We pray for those who are ill in hospitals at home and wherever they may be , Give them courage hope and peace and the knowledge that you are present in their weakness pain and suffering.
Lord God our Heavenly Father we pray for those whose hearts have been saddened by the death of someone close and dear to them.
Give to them, the strong comfort which no one else can give, and let them know the comforting power of the resurrection of Jesus.
Jesus Christ is the light of the World, a light which no darkness can quench. We remember before God those who have died and light a candle to symbolise the light of Christ which eternally shines and brings hope. We remember today
Herbert John Luscombe
Lee Michael McGonnell
Aphrodite Hubbard
You turn our darkness into light in your light shall we see light
Lord in your mercy
Lord finally we pray for your church and for ourselves and as we go out into your world we remember that we are all special in your eyes, we pray that you may strengthen and use us, fashion us in your own image send us to dare and to do great things for you that all may know your love and your power
Merciful Father
Accept these prayers for the sake of your Son, our Saviour Jesus Christ,
We will now say together the Lord’s Prayer