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St Albans Diocese Crest

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Christian worship, sermons, prayer and Bible study from
St. Mark's Church and Putnoe Heights Church, Bedford, England - The world is our parish


Intercessions by Mr John Stubbs

Gracious and wonderful God, you have given us the bread of life in Jesus, and in his name we bring to you our cares and concerns for your world.

We rejoice that the guns have for the most part fallen silent in Lebanon and for the time being there is little fighting between Israeli and Arab, but we remember with sorrow that there is still no peace between Israeli and Palestinian, and that there are far too many other wars and conflicts throughout your world, a list so long that we are hardly aware of some of them. Throughout all the ages people have prayed “give peace in our time” and we echo that desire now. May the hearts and minds of all who exercise authority be open to your spirit and may they have a vision of a world in which men and women, nations and races can live together in harmony. Give them the strength and courage to pursue that vision and give us help to play what part we can in being peacemakers.

Lord in your mercy Hear our prayer

We rejoice that the sun never sets on those who bear your son’s name, and we pray now for all who will worship you this day, following his great example. In our own land we pray for those ministers who will soon be taking up new appointments. We pray for all those, ministers and people who find their vision growing faint and ask that you will feed them. Break the bread of life for all. And we pray for our fellow Christians here in St. Marks and Putnoe, in Brickhill Baptist church and in St. Philip and St. James, and for all those who lead in the churches. May we all never lose sight of our calling to love one another and your world as we find it among our neighbours and friends.

Lord in your mercy Hear our prayer

Let us quietly now remember those we know who are in need. (silence)
We pray for Pat Leusby We pray also for all those who will spend today and the coming days caring for those who are in pain of body or mind. Make us caring people.

Lord in your mercy Hear our prayer

We pray also for all those who in any way contribute to the quality of life, teachers, youth workers, hostel staff, police, workers in industry and commerce. The list is endless and we know how much our lives depend on other people. Give all a pride in what they do and a willingness to go the second mile for others. And may we do likewise

Lord in your mercy Hear our prayer

Our lives have been enriched by all those who have died, and we pray now for those who now see for themselves that greater light in your presence which Jesus who is the light of the world came to show us. The candle we light is a symbol of that light and in it we see the true light. Especially we pray now and give thanks for Gillian Whitbread, Ernest Francis Joel Butt, Margaret Tysoe, Edna Bishop and Kevin Maguire.
You turn our darkness into light and in that light we see light.

Lord in your mercy Hear our prayer

As we come to your table Lord we ask that you will feed us now and evermore with the bread of heaven, in this feast now, and in all that lies ahead of us so that we may serve you as you would wish us to.
And now we gather up all our prayers as we sing the words Jesus taught us.