Church Prayers and Intercessions
Intercessions Sunday 14 August
Lord Jesus today we hear your words in which you spoke of the conflict which might arise for those who followed you. We think of Christians around the world who live in fear because they have declared their faith in you. We pray for them as they are persecuted for their Christian faith and pray for their safety. We seek forgiveness for those times when we take our freedom to worship for granted and forget our Christian brothers and sisters around the world who live in great danger and suffer death because they confess your name. We pray for people of all religions who live in fear for their faith and we seek in our own lives to be respectful towards those who worship in ways which are different from our own.
Heavenly Father we ask for the guidance of your Holy Spirit to lead us into a richer and deeper faith. May the way we live reflect our Christian faith more clearly, at work, with our families, the way we spend our money and all of the other parts of our lives. May our fellowship with one another on Sunday be an occasion in which we are encouraged and equipped to make a difference in our world. Give us courage to be bold in our witness to the good news of the gospel. As you have welcomed us may we seek out others that more my be blessed with the knowledge of your unfailing love.
We pray for those who are in need of your grace and mercy. Those who are troubled in body, mind or spirit. Give peace where there is distress and the knowledge of your healing love which brings forgiveness and peace.
Lord God we are mindful that you have promised to us that beyond the trials of this world you have prepared good things which no eye can see. So set our hearts beyond the things of this world, to live life in an awareness of your heavenly kingdom, to which we now belong. We remember those who have died and pray that we with them may attain your promises which surpass every human desire.