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Church Prayers and Intercessions

Prayers for Ordinary 20

By Mr Mike Elliott

Prayers of Intercession Aug. 10th. 2014

Morning Worship at 9-30 am
(prayers 88.doc) (Trinity 8 )
Genesis 37: 1-4, 12-28. Joseph is sold into Egypt.
Romans 10: 5-15. All who call on the name of the Lord will be saved.
Matthew 14:22-33 Jesus walks on the water.

The bidding today will be:- Lord, in your mercy  .
and the response will be: - Hear our prayer.
And afterwards we will say together the words of the Lord’s Prayer which are as printed in your order of service.

We pray together,
Heavenly Father in the vastness of an ever expanding universe we stand in but a small corner; so how can you hear our cries of joy or pain? We know you do because you became and sent a light into our world, even Jesus, that through his life and teaching, your love for us was made known, even to the foot of a cross.
So hear us now as we bring before you, in our prayers of intercession, our hopes and dreams as we pray for a better world, for better human relationships, for lives restored to wholeness and for Peace on Earth. And so…….

Lord, in your mercy  - 'Hear our prayer’

Lord we pray for your Church.
We again pray for Christians abroad who face daily persecution solely because of their faith and especially those in the Nineveh region of Iraq, where ancient Christian communities are today facing stark choices, including death, if they hold true to Christ. We pray for recent efforts to ease their plight and those of other minority groups.

We pray for all churches undergoing change, trying to adapt and reach out in a secular world that knows little of Christ or of his church and the message of hope it brings. We remember all ministers and their families who at this time will be moving to new churches facing new challenges and new possibilities.
So we pray for our own church here at St. Mark’s and at Putnoe Heights; for all who give of time and talents in so many ways. We pray for Charlie, Jane and Sam and Chris that through their leadership and preaching our churches may be guided with inspiration that can only come through your spirit.

Lord, in your mercy  - 'Hear our prayer’

We have marked the centenary of the start of the Great War but at this distance we struggle to grasp the magnitude of its human tragedy.  Whilst the ‘great and the good’ talk of ‘lessons learnt’ still the world is beset with conflicts caused by disputed boundaries, tribalism, ethnicity, and religion. Jesus taught that in him all are one and so we pray for peace in so many parts of the world especially in the land we call Holy. Help us all to find the courage to speak out whenever and wherever we see injustice and intolerance.

We remember the plight of so many displaced families and those who flee conflict and become refugees. We pray for civilians in Gaza, Syria and Iraq and many other scenes of conflict which don’t always get the media’s attention. We pray for all aid agencies and especially the work of the United Nations.

As we have remembered our own forces from 100 years ago so it is right that we continue to remember and pray for our armed forces today especially those now remaining in Afghanistan as they run down their operations and we pray also for their families. We pray for servicemen and women injured, both physically and mentally, in the line of duty from this and earlier conflicts and ask that their periods of recuperation and adjustment back into civilian life are successful.

Lord, in your mercy  - 'Hear our prayer’

We are in a world where many diseases are now curable if only people have access to the treatment and medicines. We pray for those who strive to bring relief and cures to developing countries and especially we pray for those spearheading the fight in West Africa against the Ebola virus.

We remember all those caught up in the natural disasters that affect so many parts of the world and the distress they cause. We pray today for the victims of the recent earthquakes in the Yunnan province of China.

Lord, in your mercy   - 'Hear our prayer’

We pray for our own country and its peoples, for the Queen and all who hold authority and power that through Christ’s love and mercy all divisions in society can be healed and that in public life, commerce and industry - justice, honesty and compassion are valued over all.

We remember those on holiday and ask that time away from the daily routine will bring both physical and spiritual benefits, becoming more able to tackle life’s burdens and joys again on their return.

Lord, in your mercy - 'Hear our prayer’

We pray for those in most need in our own families and neighbourhood, thinking of the housebound and those in hospital or hospice. We pray for all carers and visitors whether family members, volunteers or health care professionals - and so we ask that you bestow on them your gifts of patience, compassion and understanding.

We pray for those that we know who are sick, lonely, anxious or in some other special need at this time as we share a brief moment of silence together as we name them in our hearts.

(A short period of silence and reflection)

As we have named them in our hearts so let them feel your presence and friendship in their lives as we commit them to your loving care.

Lord, in your mercy  - 'Hear our prayer’

We also remember those who have finished life’s race and we pray for those left behind with just memories. Let them know that nothing is more dependable in times of sorrow than your steadfast and encircling love.

For even in times of darkness and despair when all hopes are dashed we can call on your precious name and be assured that………..


Jesus Christ is the Light of the World, a light which no darkness can quench. We remember before God those who have died and light a candle to symbolise the light of Christ which eternally shines and brings hope.
Today we remember-
Marjorie Cockings   &   Aphrodite Hubbard
For you turn our darkness into light; in your light shall we see light.

Lord, in your mercy  - 'Hear our prayer’

A final prayer for ourselves: -
Source of all being,
Imbue us with eyes that can see,
ears that hear,
hands that serve
and hearts that care.
May we be the Church we are called to be.

And so - 
Merciful Father, “Accept these prayers for the sake of your Son, our Saviour, Jesus Christ. Amen”.

(We say together the words that Jesus taught us)

THE LORD’S PRAYER (Authorised Version)

Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name.
Thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses
As we forgive those who trespass against us.
And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil,
For thine is the kingdom, the power and the glory,
For ever and ever. AMEN