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Prayers for Ordinary 20

Prayers for Ordinary 20

15 August 2010 Prayers by Mrs Sue Allen


Lord God our Father, you told Abraham to look up at the heavens and count the stars. With this image in our minds we count your many blessings to us. We pray now for all in need of your blessings and ask that they too may look to the heavens and the stars and know that you are God.

We pray for world leaders and rulers that they may exercise wisdom and courage to fight for peace in our world, praying especially, on the 65th anniversary of the Hiroshima bomb, for controlled use of nuclear power. We pray for peace for men and women throughout the world that they may live in justice and freedom and security. Remembering all who give their time and effort in the fight against hunger, torture, or the exploitation of the planet.

We hold before you the victims of the floods in Pakistan and the forest fires in Russia. We pray for those around us - their particular needs known only to you.

We remember all who live in fear - fear of debt, fear of domestic violence, fear of what the future may hold. Lord, you alone can still the stormy waters of their fear and restore calm to troubled hearts and minds.

We pray for all who feel dissatisfied with the path of their life - those living in difficult relationships, for carers feeling the pressure of caring for a loved one, for all in any kind of distress. Lord, let them feel the comfort of your loving arms around them.

We thank you for this holiday period, for leave from work and studies. We remember all children and students who anticipate the next phase in their lives with new challenges ahead after the summer break We pray for families not with us today, away on holiday. May they return refreshed and renewed and at peace with the world.

And now we pray for ourselves - for the tasks we face in the coming week. Help us to balance our own needs with those of our loved ones, looking to you for solutions to problems and difficulties.

Lord we bring before you all those who mourn. Those who have lost husband or wife, children or parents. Those who have no hope in Christ to sustain them in their grief. Today we think of the families of the aid workers killed in Afghanistan.

We light a candle to remember those who have died. Jesus Christ is the light of the world, a light no darkness can overcome. Today we remember………………………………....................... In your light shall we see light.