Prayers for Ordinary 16
Prayers by Mr Mike Elliott
Prayers of Intercession July 19th 2009
Holy Communion at 9-30 am
1. Jeremiah 23 1-6 “I will gather the remnants of my flock
2. Ephes. 2 11-22 One in Christ, Christ the Cornerstone
3. Mark 6 30-34, 53-56 Crowds hear Jesus, many healed.
After these prayers of intercession we shall sing together the Lord’s
prayer as printed on your Order of Service.
The bidding for our prayers will be ‘Lord in Your Mercy’
With the response ‘Hear our Prayer’
Almighty, everlasting and Creator God – We come humbly before your
throne of grace to make known those issues and concerns which burden our
hearts and those of your people this world over.
We come, not just because we can, but because our Saviour Jesus taught
us that you love us like a parent and want only what is right for us.
So help us Lord as we try and focus on the big issues of the day, about
which we often feel so powerless, and the myriad of small, daily,
concerns that can sometimes threaten to overwhelm us.
Lord in Your mercy. - 'Hear our prayer’
We pray for the World-wide Christian Church praising your name in
thousands of different languages and styles. Especially do we pray for
churches in regions where any religious faith is suppressed or where
Christianity is seen as an unwelcome intrusion. Give courage and faith
to all who hold the name of Jesus central to their lives.
We pray for our own Anglican and Methodist Churches and pray for
Conferences, Synods and meetings at all levels faced with difficult
decisions in trying to discern the way forward in the furtherance of
your kingdom.
We pray for our ministers Charlie, and Sam and for Deacon Jane as she
prepares for her move from Colchester. Bless all who hold office within
our church that their influence and decisions may be guided by your holy
spirit as the church encounters both triumphs and challenges in doing
your work today.
Lord in Your mercy. - 'Hear our prayer’
We pray for a world seemingly forever caught up in violence and conflict
and pray that a ‘longing for peace’ abides in the hearts of all those
who have the influence to change things for the better. Especially do we
pray for the innocent victims caught up in conflicts not of their making
and we pray for the victims and families of the recent bomb attacks in
Give us the wisdom to understand more about the root causes of conflicts
and how they might best be resolved without further mistrust. So we pray
for those forging stronger links between faith communities and for the
world’s leaders that they may be given insight and strength to
continually strive for just societies in all regions of the world.
We pray also for our service men and women killed and injured in
Afghanistan and for their families.
We pray for and remember peoples who are the victims of natural
disasters or who suffer hunger and deprivation because of corrupt or
power crazed leaders. We pray that, through the generosity of the
world-wide community, aid may be allowed to reach those in desperate
need. Warm the hearts of those who would deprive their own people of
help and show them that true leadership comes from humility and service.
Lord in Your mercy. - 'Hear our prayer’
As schools and colleges close for the holidays we pray for our children
and young people at the end of another academic year. May young lives no
longer fettered by timetables and homework deadlines find refreshment
and relaxation with friends and families.
Be with those who will have concerns about exam results and those
starting new lives in the world of work. Especially Lord we pray for
those who feel let-down or alienated by all things ‘educational’ and
don’t know where to turn. Help us, through our allegiance to Christ, to
create a society where both young and old, gifted and less able feel
valued and proud to be a part.
We pray for those in our health services as they get to grips with the
‘Flu pandemic. Support those working in laboratories to produce
vaccines, giving advice on the help-lines or on the front line in
surgeries and hospitals. At times of great national anxiety help us to
know that all our concerns are already known to you and that from you we
may draw strength to do your will in the service of others.
Lord in Your mercy. - 'Hear our prayer’
And so we think now of those in need in our own community, the elderly,
the housebound and those in care homes, hospital and hospice. Also we
pray for the lonely, the marginalised and those who face a future with
little hope or love.
As we pray for these we also pray for all who minister to them, both
from within the family, the Churches and from the other professional and
voluntary services.
So let us share a moment of silence together as we bring before you
those known only to ourselves as we name them in our hearts and commit
them to your loving care.
(A short period of silence)
Lord in Your mercy. - 'Hear our prayer’
We also pray for those who face the pain of grief at the loss of a loved
one. Help us to support all those who mourn, both with our prayers and
with practical help both this day and in the days and weeks to come.
And so we pray with confidence that -
Jesus Christ is the Light of the World, a light which no darkness can
quench. We remember before God those who have died and light a candle to
symbolise the light of Christ which eternally shines and brings hope.
For you turn our darkness into light; in your light shall we see light.
Lord in Your mercy. - 'Hear our prayer’
A final prayer for ourselves: -
Today Lord, open our eyes that we may see your image in everyone we
meet; open our ears that we may hear your word in the words that other
speak and open our mouths that we may speak your gracious word of love
to those whose paths we cross;
James Booth, Liverpool District Chair
Merciful Father, “Accept these prayers for the sake of your Son, our
Saviour, Jesus Christ. Amen”.
We sing together the Lord’s Prayer.
(Modern Form)
Our Father in Heaven, Hallowed be your name
Your kingdom come, your will be done
On earth as it is in heaven.
Give us today our daily bread, forgive us our sins.
As we forgive those who sin against us.
Lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil.
For the kingdom the power and the glory are yours,
Now and forever. Amen