Prayers for Ordinary 15
Prayers by Mrs Sue Allen
Take me Lord, from busyness to the place of quietness,
From the tumult without cease to your great unending peace,
Help me then , my Lord, to see what I am and ought to be.
We offer our prayers now for friends and family, for people in need or
distress and for situations throughout the world which bring hardship,
sorrow and the need of compassion. We do this in the sure and certain
knowledge that you hear our prayers and so we say
Lord in your mercy - hear our prayer
We thank you for those closest to us who share our daily lives and
concerns For our families and friends who know instinctively when we are
troubled or sad or anxious. We pray for the coming summer holidays when
we seek rest and refreshment and renewal in our lives. We pray for all
those we love who have a burden to carry at this time, praying that you
will be beside them in their trouble. Lord, help us all to be sensitive
to one another, that through the Holy Spirit, we may bring your comfort
and healing touch to those in need.
Lord in your mercy - hear our prayer
We praise you and give you thanks for all you have created. For the
beauty of the earth, for all around us that enriches our lives - summer
days, countryside and gardens. You have called us to be guardians and
stewards of your creation. Turn us away from greed and destructiveness,
cleanse us and forgive our neglect and abuse of your perfect world.
Lord in your mercy..............................
Lord, bring your strength and encouragement to all faced with disaster
at this time. For the families of the soldiers killed in Afghanistan.
Comfort O Lord, all who are mourning the loss of those who laid down
their lives in war. Be with them in their sorrow, support them in their
grief. Give them faith to know that neither life nor death can separate
us from thy love which is in Christ Jesus our Lord. We pray for the
sick, both those at home and those in hospital, remembering all
healthcare workers coping with the workload in the flu outbreak. Give
them courage, patience and optimism in their time of trouble.
Lord in your mercy - hear our prayer
A prayer for those who have died and those who mourn.
Jesus Christ is the light of the world, a light no darkness can quench.
We light a candle to symbolise the light of Christ which always brings
hope. Today we remember……………………………….....
In your light shall we see light.
And so, as we conclude our prayers,
Lift us Lord from darkness to light,
From sickness to health
From distress to calm,
Lift us Lord, from sadness to joy
From fear to faith
From loneliness to love
Lift us Lord in mind and in spirit
In word and in deed
In body and in soul. Amen
Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name.
Thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses
as we forgive those who trespass against us.
And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil,
for thine is the kingdom, the power and the glory,
For ever and ever. Amen