Prayers for Ordinary 15
11 July 2010 Prayers by Mrs Sue Allen
Loving, and ever living God. We come to you in prayer. We praise you as the God of heaven and earth. We honour you as God of power and might. We worship you as the God of beauty and truth and light And we worship you, as God who loved the world so much you sent your only Son to save us all.
Let us pray for the work of the Church in the world. That it may flourish and be seen to be active in places of need.
We pray for all church led initiatives in areas of poverty and deprivation, in Africa, in South America, and closer to home in our towns and streets among the homeless and helpless. O God, hear the cries of the poor and the hungry. Help us to recognize your Son Jesus Christ in the midst of the least of our brothers and sisters, that we may recognize their needs and fill the empty palms they extend to us. Reawaken in us, as a church community, our desire for service, inspire us to work for justice. In the family, in the nation, across the world. Make your spirit blaze in our lives and in our church to establish fairness and justice. Lord in your mercy Hear our prayer
We pray for our families and friends and the neighbourhood in which we live out our daily lives. Lord Jesus, lover of children: bless our families and help us to lead our children to You. We name in our hearts all those we love who have a special need today. Open our hearts, Lord, help us to listen fully to others, whether they are friends, enemies, help us listen to the words of people we may never meet, stories of people who need our help. Fan the flame of your spirit within us that we may bring your love to those in need in this community. Continue your work in our lives, we pray, that your flame may blaze every more brightly within us. Lord in your mercy Hear our prayer
We pray for peoples in parts of the world ravaged by war, by sectarian differences, for all who live in troubled times and places. Creator God, so often we find ourselves overwhelmed by the suffering of this world, so often it seems to question your existence, so often it seems to eclipse your presence. But you are the Creator of heaven and earth, Your Spirit hovers over the waters of Chaos.O God, listen to the cry of your suffering people who are caught up in the midst of meaningless armed struggles of the greedy and power hungry. Relieve them of their fears and fill their hearts with joy and thanksgiving. Lord in your mercy Hear our prayer
We pray for our Earth, for its care and protection and for cautious use of its resources. O God, who created the heaven and the earth and all that is in them, you have entrusted your creation to our safekeeping and protection. Give us a sense of reverence for your creation and of our connectedness to the web of life, that we may preserve for posterity that which provides us means to live and enjoy life. Lord in your mercy Hear our prayer
We remember those who we love but see no longer. Almighty Father, be with all those who are grieving today over the loss of a loved one. Jesus Christ is the light of the world, a light which no darkness can quench. We remember before God those who have died and light a candle to symbolise the light of Christ, which eternally shines and brings hope. We remember ………………………………..........................................................................
Lord in your mercy Hear our prayer Merciful Father: accept these prayers for the sake of your Son, our Saviour, Jesus Christ.