Church Prayers and Intercessions
Ordinary 12 Year B 2015
Mr Ian Farthing
The Bidding for our prayers is “Father you hold our lives” and the response is safe in your hands – Father you hold our lives – and the response “safe in your hands”
Let us pray
Trusting in your love we pray for your church, you have called us to your service to save us and to keep us under your protection
Give your church the love which knows no barriers of race or culture and strengthen us with your trust that we may accomplish your work in the world.
Today our hearts thoughts and prayers are with our brothers and sisters in Christ at Emanuel AME Church and with the people of Charleston South Carolina as they seek to come to terms with the tragic and senseless events of this week.
Father God may they all know the strength of your endless love for them, in their darkest hours keep them from bitterness or despair,
may your grace be upon them and affirm in them the assurance that you are always with them every step of the difficult journey ahead and that you will never leave their side.
Father you hold our lives – safe in your hands
Trusting in your authority we pray for all international discussions and negotiations, for all who give order to the world and for those who represent us in government,
may they be men and women of integrity who keep their promises,
may they be just and compassionate so that we may be led in ways of justice and peace, righteousness and mercy.
Father you hold our lives – safe in your hands
Trusting in your gentleness we pray for children and their parents, on this special day we ask you to bless all fathers, with wisdom, with patience, with courage and above all with love for their children.
We ask you to bless all children today – with openness to correction, with eagerness to learn and above all with love for their fathers.
We pray for all whom are fatherless today – surround them with good people who can teach, affirm and guide them and to love them with the love of a father.
Father you hold our lives – safe in your hands
Trusting in your mercy we pray for those who are sick in body mind or spirit and for those who care for them
We pray for those whose life on earth has ended and for all those who mourn their passing, we think of our fathers who have gone before us and who we miss and we commend them all to your keeping in the sure and certain knowledge that.
Jesus Christ is the light of the world a light which no darkness can quench we remember before God those who have died and light a candle to symbolise the light of Christ which eternally shines and brings hope
We remember:-
Gwyn Morgan
Reg Frank
You turn our darkness into light in your light shall, we see light
Father you hold our lives – safe in your hands
Trusting in your goodness we pray with thankfulness for all we have received and been enabled to share and as we go out into your world we remember that we are all special in your eyes, we pray that you may strengthen and use us, fashion us in your own image, send us to dare and to do great things for you, that all may know your love and your power
Merciful father accept these prayers for the sake of you son our Saviour Jesus Christ
We will now sing together the Lord’s prayer