Church Prayers and Intercessions
Ordinary 12 Year B 2015
Mrs Sue Allen
Heavenly Father,
As your family, we gather here in your presence to offer our prayers for the needs of others and for the world. Help us to focus our thoughts, our concerns, our hopes and fears. Touch us with your presence that we may feel your nearness.
Lord in your mercy..............................
We praise you and give you thanks for the beauty of the earth you have created, For all around us that enriches our lives - music, poetry, art and architecture. You have called us to be guardians and stewards of creation. Free us from greed and destructiveness, cleanse us and forgive our abuse of your world.
Lord in your mercy..............................
We give you thanks for the Church here and at St. Mark's, for all the teaching, outreach and pastoral care carried out in the name of The Partnership. Support, we pray, those who lead us in worship and encourage us in spiritual growth. At this time we hold before you Andrew Hollins, our Methodist Superintendent, as he and the Circuit Leaders seek to share ministers to best effect in the Circuit.
Lord in your mercy....................................
We pray for families, today we give thanks for fathers who have nurtured and supported us.We pray for all children everywhere that they may grow in the knowledge and security of your love. Lord grant patience, understanding and wisdom to all who have responsibilities for childrenĀ And we pray for the elderly that they may feel valued as their declining strength and stamina leave them feeling vulnerable.
Lord in your mercy.........................................
Lord Jesus Christ, you took upon yourself our despair and fear. Be near us when we stumble and be our anchor in the storm and our light in the darkness. We pray for all who find their lives difficult at this time, all who are sick, for all in want of shelter, food and simple necessities. For all in crisis in their personal relationships. For those in parts of the world which long for peace and justice. Today we pray for the community in South Carolina following the shooting there. Lord forgive.
Lord in your mercy.........................................
We remember those who have died and light a candle to symbolise the light of Christ which always overcomes the darkness and always gives hope.
Today we remember.................................................
May the souls of the faithful departed rest in peace and rise again in glory.
Lord we would seek to reflect the light of Christ in the world, to be strengthened by faith, directed by love to play our part in the coming of your Kingdom. Amen.