Church Prayers and Intercessions for Ordinary 13
Mrs Margaret Appelton
The bidding today is LORD IN YOUR MERCY and the response is HEAR OUR PRAYER
Let us bring to God, our loving Father, all the cares that weigh on our hearts knowing that he understands us better than we understand ourselves.
In a week that has seen an unprecedented and devastating tragedy in London, a tragedy that we cannot comprehend, we ask for your blessing, Heavenly Father on all those involved. We pray for those who have died in the most awful of circumstances, for those ill in hospital, for those who have lost their homes and all their possessions and those who are unable to trace their loved ones. May they know that you will always be at their side, sharing in their pain and suffering. Surround them with your love, enfold them in your loving arms and give them peace.
Heavenly Father, we give you thanks for the unstinting work of the London emergency services, the fire officers, police, paramedics, doctors and nurses who have worked in appalling conditions to try to rescue and save the lives of so many people and who will be affected by what they have seen. We pray that all those who have been traumatised or affected in any way by this tragedy and whose lives will never be the same again will have access to the right kind of care and support as they try to move forward in their lives.
This week we have seen a real sense of community on our television screens; where people of many different cultures, backgrounds and faiths have come together to work for the benefit of all. We thank you Father that you have shown us that there are far more people ready to unite than to divide us,
We pray for our local community that we can all learn to share with one another. We ask for your blessing on all people in this community in their daily life and work. For the young and the elderly, for families and for all who are alone. Guide and enable all who lead and serve our community and on those whom we depend for our daily needs. We give you thanks for human skill and creativity and all that reveals your glory in our lives.
We pray for you church throughout the world, for all involved in mission and outreach. We ask for your blessing on our church here and at Putnoe Heights and we thank you that there is so much friendship here. Show us how to help each other so that the worship we now offer is the worship of a true family, through Jesus Christ who is head of the Church. We thank you for the ministry of Charlie, Sam, Wendy and Richard. May they always be sustained by your unfailing love. Give us grace to proclaim the gospel joyfully in word and deed and help us to fulfil our calling and to care for one another in an unselfish fellowship of love; and to care for the world around us by sharing with it the good news of your love; and serving those who suffer from poverty hunger and disease.
Heavenly Father, in your hands are the destinies of men and of nations, we bring before you in our prayers those who have been entrusted with special responsibilities for the life of our nation.
For the Queen that she may uphold all that is best in our common life;
for the Prime Minister and members of the government that you will grant them wisdom and integrity, and for our own Member of Parliament that he may care deeply for the well-being of the constituency. As the Brexit talks are about to begin we pray that they may be led in spirit of wisdom, to work in harmony with God’s will so that His values are reflected in the decision-making. May all involved in negotiations uphold goodwill and mutual understanding and show due respect to each other.
Heavenly Father we pray for all of us here this morning; for our families and friends. Inspire us to work at our relationships and remind us to welcome you in every situation we meet. We ask for your blessing on our family members and on all for whom we love and care. May we always be ready to forgive, respect and value them. On this day set aside for fathers we give you thanks for our fathers and for fathers everywhere; for the examples they set and for the love and care they gave to us. We ask for your mercy on fathers who have failed to fulfil the wonderful gift they were given and have not responded to the needs of their children or sustained their families.
Heavenly Father we thank you that you gave us the greatest gift of all, your Son Jesus Christ whose life and subsequent death on the cross have taught us the way, the truth and the life and may we always follow in his footsteps. We thank you Father for all your goodness to us: for the beautiful world you have made and for the strength to serve you in it:
for the daily revelations of yourself in nature, art and in the lives of men:
for the Bible through which you speak your word to us:
for all other books which open our minds to your truth;
for the tasks to which you are calling us.
May your Spirit dwell richly within us, enabling us to serve you with gladness on each and every day.
Father, we commend to your healing all who are in pain or are ill at home or in hospital. We pray for those about to undergo or who are recovering from surgery: for all who depend on others for life and movement. May they be reassured by the strength of your presence. In a moment of quiet we name in our hearts those whom we know who are in need of our prayers………………………………………..
We pray for the bereaved and the desolate: may all in trouble or sorrow draw strength from your life and your victory over death. We pray for those who have died that, falling asleep to this life they may wake to eternal life in the joy of heaven.
Jesus Christ is the light of the world; a light which no darkness can quench. We pray for all who have died and light a candle to symbolise the light of Christ which eternally shines and brings hope.
Today we remember and pray for Colin Holt and we especially remember and prat for the victims of the Grenfell Tower fire…………………….
In your light shall they see light.
We thank you Father that we are all invited to share your life-giving love: make us worthy of all you have promised.
Merciful Father, accept these prayers for the sake of your Son, our Saviour – Jesus Christ. Amen
Let us conclude our prayers by singing together the prayer which Jesus taught us and which you can find in the service booklets.