Prayers of Intercession for use in Church Ordinary 10 Year C
Sunday 9 June 2013, by Sam Ware
After the words ‘Your kingdom come’, we say ‘Your will be done’.
Let us pray.
In faith let us pray to God our Father,
in the name of his Son, Jesus Christ,
and in the power of the Holy Spirit.
God of love, we pray for the life of your Church throughout the world, especially in those places where persecution persists and where people are ridiculed for their faith. May every congregation be a community of love, and every Christian a witness to your grace. Strengthen this Partnership to face the challenges which lie ahead, and make us a living fellowship as we seek to serve our neighbourhood.
Your kingdom come: Your will be done.
God of mercy, we pray for the life of the world in which we live, especially for those who exercise power and authority – in politics, in the media, in industry and commerce, and in education.
We pray for those who wrestle with their conscience as they face conflicting expectations, and for those whose livelihoods are being threatened by the selfishness of others.
We pray for those who work to keep the peace and foster mutual understanding and respect; and for those who teach, heal and care, giving freely of themselves in the service of others.
Your kingdom come: Your will be done.
God of compassion, we pray for people in need:
those for whom life is a bitter struggle;
those whose lives are clouded by death or loss, pain or disability, discouragement or fear, shame or rejection.
May they know the warmth, the comfort and the assurance of your love.
Your kingdom come: Your will be done.
God of glory, we rejoice in the communion of saints, and give you thanks for all those who have gone before us whose lives have enriched and challenged ours, and who have inspired our faith. May they dwell in your eternal light and love.
Your kingdom come: Your will be done.
Jesus Christ is the light of the World, a light which no darkness can quench. We remember before God those who have died and light a candle to symbolise the light of Christ which eternally shines and brings hope. We remember today AAA
You turn our darkness into light and in your light shall we see light.
Merciful Father :
accept these prayer for the sake of your Son our Saviour, Jesus Christ, Amen.
The Lord’s Prayer…..