Church Prayers
Intercessions for this week Mothering Sunday St Mark’s 22 March 2020
Dear God, We thank you for mothers and carers everywhere, and for all they do to help us to grow up well. We thank you that they love us and show us how to learn to stand on our own two feet. We pray that mums will feel really special today; that they will know how much we love them and how much you love them too. Most of all, we thank you, God, that you are our heavenly parent who loves us and helps us all to develop and make the very best of life.
Dear Jesus, we thank you for all mothers and carers around the world, and for all they do for their children. We pray for those who struggle to provide for their families in harsh conditions; for those where drought deprives them of the food and water they desperately need; for those where danger lurks in their locality, where drugs have devalued human life, where war has become the norm. May your compassion and care be brought to them through aid agencies; may your justice be brought to them through the United Nations and other organisations.
Dear Jesus the gift of life is very precious; we pray for all women and men who have longed for such a gift but the joy of their own children has eluded them; may they find solace in the love of family and friends. We pray too for those who have adopted or fostered children, or are trying the marvels of medical science to enable them to have children of their own. Such avenues bring their own challenges, so we pray that they will have courage and hope as they take these steps towards parenthood.
Dear Jesus, as a child you lived within a loving family, but as an adult your ministry took you into a wide range of communities, places where you were made welcome and places where you were not. We pray for the place of our church within our own community, we pray for guidance as we endeavour to reach out to all those who cross our threshold, but more importantly to those who don’t.
Dear Jesus, you knew what is was to suffer, you also had the power to heal, so we bring to you now all those who suffer; those whose minds are disturbed; those whose bodies are in pain; those whose earthly lives are coming to an end. Particularly we pray for those with Coronavirus; those fearful of catching it; those who will struggle to cope with the resulting isolation; and those anxious about social distancing. We pray that in their suffering they will know your presence with them and your healing power through the skills of the medical profession; the compassion of chaplains; the care of care providers, family and friends.
Dear God we thank you for giving us others to share in our lives; for parents, and the love which brought us to birth; for relatives and friends, who have who have shared our joys and sorrows; for colleagues who have worked alongside us; in a moment of silence we remember now those who we see no longer but who live in our hearts and your kingdom of love.
Jesus Christ is the light of the world, a light which no darkness can quench. We remember before God those who have died and light a candle to symbolise the light of Christ that eternally shines and brings hope. In a moment of silence we remember Bob Robert Thomas Clarke, Barry Ebsworth and
Michael Hollands and those who we see no longer but who live on in our hearts and your kingdom of love. You turn our darkness into light; in your light shall we see light.
We give thanks for the loving example of Jesus, who was obedient even to death and strengthens us in all goodness. Merciful Father, Accept these prayers, for the sake of your Son Our Saviour, Jesus Christ. Amen.
Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name; thy kingdom come; thy will be done; on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation; but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom, the power and the glory, for ever and ever. Amen.