Prayers for third Sunday in Lent by Mr Warwick Holden
Prayers for March 27th Lent 3
Let us Pray...
We pray for all peoples of the world, in all places and needs. We pray especially today for those suffering from disasters. We pray for the people of Japan, trying to rebuild shattered lives and rebuild their towns and villages. We pray for their leaders, may they be guided by compassion and love for others. We pray for countries involved in the man-made disaster of war and violence. We pray for people in Libya, and all countries troubled by internal war, civil unrest, and insurrection.
Lord, in your mercy....
We pray for those who lead us. For Charlie, Sam & Jane. We pray for all leaders of people, whether religious, political, or moral. May they know Gods love, and use Christ’s teaching as their guiding principles. Christ taught us love, mercy, compassion, and to trust in Him. We pray that we all may do this in the weeks to come, and henceforward.
Lord, in your mercy....
We pray for those who suffer . For those who have lost loved ones; because of war, disaster, illness or accident. Each loss is personal and a tragedy. We pray that Christ’s love and compassion will reach those who suffer and help support them in their grief. We pray for those who have little in the world. Who do not have enough to eat, enough money to buy clothes, shelter, or any means to earn money for essentials. We pray for those who do not have friends or family, who are lonely, and in despair
Lord, in your mercy....
We pray for those who are ill in body, mind or spirit. Guide them in their suffering, and grant that they may know Love and Peace through Jesus Christ. We pray for all who minister to them, grant them strength, patience, and compassion in their work. We think and pray for those especially known to us at this time .....
Lord, in your mercy....
We pray for those we love and have died. We remember them in our hearts and hope one day to meet them again, in whatever way God will grant us. Jesus Christ is the light of the world, a light which no darkness can quench. We remember before God those who have died and light a candle to symbolise the light of Christ, which eternally shines and brings hope. We remember …
You turn our darkness into light: in your light shall we see light.
Merciful Father,
accept these prayers for the sake of your Son, our Saviour Jesus Christ. Amen.
Gathering our prayers and praises into one, let us say the Lord’s Prayer together.