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notre dame montreal

Prayers for Sunday Lent 2

Mr Richard Ledger


God, our light and our salvation, we pray for your help for the way ahead.

“Hear our prayer, loving God.”    “We put our hope in you.”

We bring to you, Lord God, the way ahead for the Church. We pray for the Cardinals as they meet soon to elect a new Pope. May they listen to your prompting that the new leader of the Catholic Church will indeed be a man of prayer and  love. We pray for Justin Welby, the new Archbishop of Canterbury, that you will equip him with the compassion and under-standing  he needs to find your way ahead for Anglicans. And we pray too for the many millions of ordinary Christians in our world, that our diversity may not result in hostility but that, led by your spirit, we may learn to live together in your love and so show your glory in the world.

“Hear our prayer loving God”    “We put our hope in you.”

We bring to you our world with the way ahead uncertain – with problems of terrorism and war, economic and energy supply issues, movements of people and environmental issues. Grant, O Lord that leaders may be calm as they grapple with problems, that their judgements may be wise and considered –seeking the good of all giving to ordinary people facing desperate situations in areas of great tension and conflict new hope.

“Hear our prayer loving God”    “We put our hope in you.”

We bring to you our local community. We pray for our Parish Councillors that they may serve faithfully and seek the best for us all. We bring to you all our local groups and organisations that bring people together. Thank you for their positive impact in so many ways. We pray for our local care homes that they may be places of compassion and dignity, and for our schools – staff, parents and governors that they may equip all to know and value what is good and true.

“Hear our prayer loving God”    “We put our hope in you.”


We pray for our families and friends. We thank you for all the ways in which our loved ones enrich our lives. We bring our prayers now for those for whom the way ahead is especially uncertain, those facing redundancy, those ill, at home or in hospital, those facing tests or waiting for diagnosis. And for those who mourn, we pray your peace. In a time of silence we name before you any in special need.

“Hear our prayer loving God”    “We put our hope in you.”


Finally, As we put our hope in you we know Jesus Christ is the Light of the World, a light which no darkness can quench. We commend to your everlasting love those who have died and light a candle to symbolise the Light of Christ which eternally shines and brings hope.
We remember today with our loved ones. – Jennie Cooper

You turn our darkness into light: in your light shall we see light.

Merciful Father
Accept these prayers for the sake of your Son, our Saviour Jesus Christ. Amen