Prayers for Sunday Lent 1
Mr Ian Farthing
Lord God on this first Sunday in Lent, we remember the trials and temptations of your son Jesus Christ in his journey through the wilderness, and how he triumphed over all.
In our prayers we think of the difficult journeys in life encountered by so many people in the world.
We pray that in their different times of need, they may find discernment to see their way ahead, and strength to overcome whatever problems they face.
We pray that faith may be deepened in this period of Lent, and all may walk in the light of the Lord.
Lord in your mercy - hear our prayer
We pray for the Church, of which we are members, and thank you for the light it provides for our journeys ahead.
We pray for those who lead us in our worship, and for all those who enable others to know that light in their lives.
We pray for each other, that we may each respond to the challenges that the time of Lent presents to us.
Help us to be able to look at ourselves, and to recognise our failings, our inadequacies, and the need for your presence in our journey of life.
We pray for the family of the Church. when we receive the bread and wine at our communion today may we experience a sense of belonging to you and to each other.
Bind us together, Lord, as a family, so that we can travel along life's journey helping and supporting one another, overcoming together all the trials and temptations which confront us daily
Lord in your mercy - hear our prayer
Lord God we think of the troubled parts of the world, where there is so much suffering, where darkness prevails and where the light of the Lord seems so far away.
We pray for people whose humanity is denied by others
- for those without homes and food
- for those suffering from malnutrition, illness and disease
- for those living in fear of the war and conflict
We remember especially the people living in Syria in Afghanistan; and those in other parts of the world where there is unrest
We pray for all those working for peace and justice, for our armed forces
We ask that they may all be sustained and encouraged in their difficult work in what must seem an endless journey and may they know the light of the Lord in everything they do in the name of peace.
Lord in your mercy - hear our prayer
Lord God we thank you for our neighbours, our friends and for the people around us with whom we work and share our daily lives.
We thank you, for all the joys and blessings of family life. forgive us when we quarrel and make us always ready to forgive one another.
We pray for those who are old and lonely, those isolated because of ill-health, and those who find it difficult to make friends or be accepted.
Show us all what we can do to help, and teach us to be good neighbours and true friends.
We thank you Lord for your miracles of healing, and we pray for all who administer to the sick and infirm.
We bring before you in a moment of quietness those we know or love who are ill or in special need at this time, and we name them in our hearts
We pray that your blessing be upon them and those who love and care for them and we pray that they may find encouragement and peace, that their sorrows and concerns be transformed into comfort ,and their loneliness into fellowship with you.
Lord in your mercy - hear our prayer
We pray for those all those who mourn and for those who still miss the companionship and care of loved ones.
We pray that as they journey in this part of their life, that the challenges of Lent and the assurances of Easter will bring to them new strength and new purpose.
Jesus Christ is the Light of the World, a light which no darkness can quench. We remember before God those who have died and light a candle to symbolise the light of Christ which eternally shines and brings hope.
Today we remember especially
You turn our darkness into light ,in your light shall we see light.
Lord in your mercy - hear our prayer
Lord God our Father as we go out into the world today we remember that you son was tempted by the forces of evil but chose faithfulness rather than popularity, service instead of fame, sacrifice instead of power..
These temptations still come to us Lord and we are far weaker and so we pray for the strength to shun them as he did so that we may be of use to God and to man.
Merciful father accept these prayers for the sake of your son our Saviour Jesus Christ Amen
We will now sing together the Lord’s prayer