Prayers for the Fourth Sunday in Lent - Mothering Sunday
By Mrs Sue Allen
Let us pray.
God our Father, in your unfailing love and goodness, hear us as we bring
to you our prayers for the world and for all people . In this period of
Lent we come to you aware of our unreadiness for the enormity of the
Easter message, that Christ suffered and died for us and was yet raised
in glorious victory.. Grant us healing in our souls Lord, and in the
souls of all who search for meaning in their lives.
We give you thanks for your beautiful world , for all its richness and
complexity .for the foretaste of spring and summer we have enjoyed this
week and pray for better awareness of the needs of our planet and
sensitivity to the conservation of its resources. We give you thanks for
our senses which enable us to enjoy the splendour of your world around
us, the sight and scent of flowers, the sound of birdsong, the feeling
of warmth from the sun.
Lord in your mercy
Hear our prayer
We pray for the health and vigour of your Church on Earth, for all who
preach your Gospel and have responsibility for the cure of souls. We
pray for those churches that struggle to keep their doors open in an era
when attendance at worship is poor. Grant them willing hands and
sufficient funds to maintain regular worship to your glory. We pray for
the decisions made at the Circuit Meeting this week, that your will be
done, and especially for those seeking a new minister for the
Lord in your mercy
Hear our prayer
Lord, we thank you that you have brought us safely thus far to this
point in our lives. We thank you for the past, with gratitude for the
people who cared for us in our infancy and childhood - remembering
particularly today our mothers, teachers who taught us in school, and
all who shaped us into the people we are, giving thanks especially for
those who showed us the way of Christ and helped plant our footsteps in
We thank you for the present, for our families and friends who support
us and surround us with their love, for this community at Putnoe Heights
which sustains us and keeps us rooted in Your love. Help us to be
supportive to our friends, families and neighbours and sensitive to
their needs.
We would ask your blessing on all who are at turning points in their
lives, those preparing for marriage, those who have lost their job and
face uncertainty, and all facing illness or infirmity, give them courage
and hope.
And we pray for the future, certain in the knowledge that you will
continue to guide us and guard us throughout all things. Support us
through times of ill health or doubt or trouble. and fulfil your promise
to be with us to the end of the age. We remember the troubled nations of
the world, praying for an end to warfare and for negotiations for peace
throughout the world.
Lord in your mercy
Hear our prayer
We thank you Father for your many miracles of healing, and we pray for
all who work with the sick and infirm. We name in our hearts those we
love who are in need of your healing touch. We pray that your blessing
be upon them and those who love and care for them and we pray that they
may find encouragement and peace, that their sorrows and concerns be
transformed into comfort ,and their loneliness into fellowship with you.
Lord in your mercy
Hear our prayer
We remember those who we love but see no longer. Almighty Father, be
with all those who are grieving today over the loss of a loved one.
Jesus Christ is the light of the world, a light which no darkness can
quench. We remember before God those who have died and light a candle to
symbolise the light of Christ, which eternally shines and brings hope.
We remember
Lord in your mercy
Hear our prayer
Merciful Father:
accept these prayers for the sake of your Son,
our Saviour, Jesus Christ.
We say together the prayer that Jesus taught us.
Lord’s Prayer.
Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name.
Thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses
as we forgive those who trespass against us.
And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil,
for thine is the kingdom, the power and the glory,
For ever and ever. Amen