Church Prayers and Intercessions
Prayers on Lent 2
Heavenly Father, you offer hope beyond all human hope, you promised descendants as numerous as the stars to old Abraham and barren Sarah. You promise light and salvation in the midst of darkness and despair, and promise redemption to a world that will not listen. Gather us to yourself in tenderness, open our ears to listen to your word, and teach us to live faithfully as people confident of the fulfillment of your promises.
God of the covenant, in the glory of the cross your Son embraced the power of death and broke its hold over your people. In this Lenten time of repentance, draw all people to yourself, that we who confess Jesus as Lord may put aside the deeds of death and accept the life of your kingdom.
We pray for those who need care, help and love and we ask that the heavenly joy of your kingdom would make us a people eager to share the good news of your presence among us. We pray for the needs of the world and ask that you would fill your church with your compassion that all humanity would encounter your saving grace.
We pray for those who have died and those who mourn for them. God of the life, through you we pass from the shadow of death to the light of the resurrection. Through your Spirit give life to our mortal flesh that we may be clothed with the garment of immortality.
Grant, O God, that the prayers we offer may be your channel for new and abundant life not only hoped for, but worked for, through faithful word and deed. Amen.
We join together in saying the words of The Lord’s Prayer