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Christian worship, sermons, prayer and Bible study from
St. Mark's Church and Putnoe Heights Church, Bedford, England - The world is our parish


Prayers 30 October 2005
Christian Healing by Mrs Alison Holden

Let us pray for all the world, and also for ourselves, knowing that what we ask in your name you will hear in your mercy.

We pray for the church throughout the world, that people of faith may work together in unity and in prayer to overcome evil and to promote true love among all people. O Lord, you are the beginning of all our good, the wellspring of all our love and the source of all our freedom. Let your grace work on in us, that your will may be done through us, and that we may always rejoice in your presence.

Lord, hear our prayer
and let our cry come unto you.

We pray for all who suffer throughout the world, as the result natural disaster, acts of war and terrorism or as victims of poverty, disease or the greed of others. We pray too for those who strive to bring them help and to relieve their sufferings.  As we pray for the victims of all kinds of evil, let us also take a moment to remember the perpetrators and to recall that, through the love of Christ, no person is beyond redemption.  Turn their hearts from their wickedness, Lord, and reveal to them your infinite love.

Lord, hear our prayer
and let our cry come unto you.

Jesus Christ is the light of the world, a light which no darkness can quench.  We remember before God those who have died and light a candle to symbolise the light of Christ, which eternally shines and brings hope. We remember 

You turn our darkness into light: in your light shall we see light.

Lord, hear our prayer
and let our cry come unto you.

We pray for the sick and for those who mourn.  We think of any known to us and remember them now in a moment of silence ….

Comfort and heal all those who suffer in body, mind or spirit.  Give them courage and hope in their troubles, and bring them the joy of your salvation.

Merciful Father,

Accept these prayers for the sake of your Son, our Saviour Jesus Christ.  Amen

Gathering all our prayers into one, let us join together in faith as we sing the Lord’s Prayer together.

Our Father in heaven, hallowed be thy name,
your kingdom come, your will be done,
on earth as in heaven.
Give us today our daily bread.
Forgive us our sins
as we forgive those who sin against us.
Lead us not into temptation
but deliver us from evil.
For the kingdom, the power,
and the glory are yours
now and forever.  Amen