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Prayers of Intercession Ordinary 25 Year A

By Rev Dr Sam Cappleman

The bidding for our prayers is

'Lord in your mercy'

and the response

'hear our prayer'

Let us pray

God of all Holiness and hope, cleanse the church from all that is selfish, complacent and worldly, that we might reflect your glory and bring hope to those who seek direction and meaning to their lives.

Vision for Action Prayer: Almighty God and heavenly Father, open our eyes to see you at work in our world: grant us wisdom in using our gifts, grace to enliven our churches, and courage to transform our communities. By your Holy Spirit equip us for the challenges ahead, excite us to follow your vision and empower us in witness and service. To you be the glory through Jesus Christ our Saviour and mighty redeemer.

Lord, in your mercy: Hear our prayer

God of all wisdom and honour, give our leaders integrity and our world the openness to listen and the courage to forgive. We pray for fair and free democracy to grow, remembering those countries especially in the process of elections, New Zealand, Germany and Afghanistan

We pray for those involved in church elections and decisions about church leadership, remembering at this time the new synods in the Church of England that are being formed, especially those who are standing for General Synod; and the Methodist process for the stationing of ministers. Pray for all those who put themselves forward, that they may be true representatives of your kingdom and faithful servants of your word and precepts

Lord, in your mercy: Hear our prayer

God of all healing and wholeness, give to those who are in pain or suffering all that they need both physically and spiritually. We pray for those in the caring professions, Heavenly Father, whose Son came not to be served but to serve; bless all who follow in his steps, give themselves to the service of others; that with wisdom, patience and courage, they may minister in His name to the suffering, the friendless and the needy; for the love of Him who laid down His life for us all.

Lord, in your mercy: Hear our prayer

God of eternity, as you welcome into your Kingdom those who have endured to the end we thank you for the example of their lives. Jesus Christ is the light of the world, a light which no darkness can quench. We remember before God those who have died and light a candle to symbolise the light of Christ which eternally shines and brings hope. We remember… …you turn our darkness into light, in your light shall we see light.

Lord, in your mercy: Hear our prayer

Gathering our prayers and praises into one let us pray with confidence as our saviour has taught us as we say together the Lords Prayer

Our Father who art in heaven:-