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notre dame montreal


Prayers of Intercession 12 September 2004   Ordinary 24

In the spirit of Christ and taught by his example let us pray trustingly to our heavenly Father.

Good and gracious shepherd – we rejoice in your protection and care, and in the certain knowledge that you will seek us out and save us.

We pray that you will guide us and keep us in ways that lead to peace.

We give you thanks and ask you to bless all those who seek to make peace in our divided world especially for those who are prepared to work long hours and travel widely to any country in the cause of peace.

- for the work of the United Nations
- for governments who are prepared to send units for the difficult role of a peace keeping force
- for those who work to bring together opposing sides in disputes between management and men and for all who act as arbitrators in difficult situations.

We pray for Christians and non-Christians who quietly and steadfastly advocate and live in the way of peace – and thereby work for its growth – and for those willing to risk their lives in the trouble spots of the world in order to build bridges of understanding between peoples of different races and colour.

May they all know the power of your great love.

Lord in your mercy

Lord God – you come and seek us out – you call us and empower to live to your glory – You are our shepherd and our guide – You are our God.

We pray for all those who have strayed from the faith, for all those who have become lost in various ways – and especially for those whose lives are in danger as a result.

We bring you all Christians wherever they may be and we pray for church leaders – all members of the ordained ministry and for all those who spread your word throughout the world. We give you thanks for and pray for Joan, Charlie, Neil and Sam. May they be reassured and their work and service blessed by the power of your love.

We pray for the whole family of your Church and grant they we and all your people may be built up in our faith and always show in our lives the love we see in Jesus.

Lord in your mercy

Lord God we remember before you all who work or live in dangerous places or a hostile environment – all who are suffering at this time from storms and disasters – remembering the devastation in Jamaica - for all who are caught up in strife and warfare.

We pray that you will bless those suffering through poverty, malnutrition and disease – for those who are weary with the relentless struggle to keep alive – for those who can never look forward to a good meal or a comfortable bed – for those lacking in the basic necessities of life which we so readily take for granted.

And today as we focus on our overseas project we pray for the people of Malawi. May we become totally aware of their needs and respond positively and quickly both here and at Putnoe so that we can play a real part in bringing hope to those in despair and the removal of all that prevents a fully human life in others.

Lord in your mercy

Good and faithful shepherd we give you thanks for all those who have sought us out and responded to us in our times of trouble – for those who have been a great strength and joy to us in times of need.

We pray that you will bless our homes, our families and friends and all whom we love and care for – may we always be ready to respect and value them.

We ask you to be with all who walk in darkness – may your love and light protect the depressed and the despairing – and may your strength and hope be known to the discouraged.

We ask your blessing on all who are ill at home or in hospital and this morning we pray for Peter Cooper – that his recovery may be complete and for Jan and his family in their worries and concerns at this time. May they find you there with them and draw hope and courage from your presence and unfailing love.

Lord in your mercy

Lord God we pray for the bereaved that the warmth and joy of your love may comfort and transform them.

We commend to your keeping all those who have died. We pray for Vi Williams and give thanks for her life and friendship. May all who have died rest in your peace for ever.

Jesus Christ is the light of the world – a light which no darkness can quench. We remember before God all those who have died and light a candle to symbolize the light of Christ which eternally shines and brings hope.

This morning we remember

The victims of terrorism in America 3 years ago.

Lord in your mercy

Lord God, our good and faithful shepherd
We thank you for all you have given us –
- for all you have done for us
- for all you are to us in your beloved Son.

In our weakness you are our strength
- in our darkness you are our light
- in our sorrow and times of trouble you are our comfort.

For all your mercies – we bless you. May we live as ever in your presence and glorify you in our daily lives, for our Saviour’s sake.

Merciful father