Prayers of Intercession Ordinary 13 Year A
By Mrs Delia Shephard
Holy God, Holy Three and Holy
One, be with us now as we offer our prayers for the world and ourselves.
Holy Father, you have created all things and made us in your own image. We
rejoice in the beauty of your creation. We come before you in wonder and
we seek to be sensitive to your mysteries. We ask for wisdom to understand
the complexity of the world around us.
We pray for places where your earth is exploited or damaged, where your
creatures are abused or misused. We pray for all people who lack freedom
or are oppressed.
We remember the citizens of Iraq and the Middle east and we pray for all
people living in conflict and war.
Holy God, Holy and Strong One: hear our prayer.
Christ in glory, risen and ascended, you have redeemed us by your love,
your give us life which is eternal. We pray to you for all people who walk
in darkness, all who cry out in pain, all who feel beyond hope. We
remember all those who are rejected, isolated or outcast.
Jesus Christ is the light of the world, a light which no darkness can
quench. We remember before God those who have died and light a candle to
symbolise that light which eternally shines and brings hope. We remember
May they and those who mourn them know your peace.
Holy God, Holy and Strong One: hear our prayer.
Spirit of God, breathing life into all, we give you thanks for our talents
and abilities, for the powers of renewal and refreshment. We pray that we
and your church may reach out in love. We pray for our church leaders and
for the ministry of all your faithful people. We pray for the outreach and
mission of your church across the world and that we here in Bedford may be
inspired to find new and imaginative ways of working in our community.
Holy God, Holy and Strong One: hear our prayer.
Holy, blessed and glorious Trinity, One in Three and Three in One,
Bind us together in unity and love. We pray that as we go about our daily
lives and experience happiness, disappointments, unexpected events and
changes we might find the different aspects of the Trinity at work in us
helping us to find reasons for hope and joy.
Merciful Father, accept these prayers in the name of your son, our
Saviour, Jesus Christ. Amen.