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notre dame montreal


Prayers led at St Mark's Church by Rev Neil Bramble-Chapman

During our prayers this morning, in each section, following a short introductory prayer, there will be a time of silence for us to offer our own prayers to God.

Let us pray in Faith to God, our Creator, Redeemer and Sustainer.

Loving God, we meet together in your presence and in your name to bring before you our prayers for your people and your world. Your Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, died on the Cross for us and through his death He has shared the desolation and despair of all who suffer. You raised Him from the dead and through His Resurrection He has won the Victory over sin and evil.

Creator God, we pray for people across the world who in the midst of pain and division seek to create communities of love and reconciliation. We pray for the peoples of Northern Ireland, Iraq, Zimbabwe, South Africa. Let us in silence offer our prayers to God.......

Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer .

Redeemer God, we pray for those who seek to redeem this planet and its peoples from suffering. We pray for those who fight to protect the environment, who fight for the survival of endangered species, who seek to preserve the Rain Forests of this wonderful and amazing planet, and who care for the parks and green spaces within our towns and cities. We also pray for those who bring aid to the homeless on our streets, those who are refugees, those who are marginalised and so often forgotten. Let us in silence offer our prayers to God.......

Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer .

Sustainer God, we pray for ourselves and those whom we know to be suffering. Sustain and encourage us in our faith in you as we seek to be your faithful disciples and seek to care for those about us. Sustain and comfort those in distress. We pray for the sick, those at home and in hospital. We pray for those who are bereaved asking that they may know the consolation of your love.....

Let us in silence offer our prayers to God.......

Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer .

Compassionate God, we remember before you those who have died and ask that they may know the Joy of Salvation and Eternity in your presence. Jesus Christ is the light of the world, a light which no darkness can quench. We light a candle to symbolise the light of Christ which eternally shines and brings hope. In silence, we remember.....

You turn our darkness into light, in your light we shall see light.

Merciful Father, accept these prayers for the sake of your Son our Saviour Jesus Christ. Amen.

We join together in saying the Lord’s Prayer.